
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 31, 2015

Game a Day for September and 12 Days of New Gaming for Christmas!

With #RPGaDay2015 finally finished, it's on to bigger and better things.

As I mentioned earlier, I'll be pursuing a lofty goal in our chaotic household:  We'll be trying to play a different game each day for the entire month of September.  The only rule to qualify a "game" is that it must use some accessory beyond ourselves, like cards, playing pieces, dice, or even a whiteboard. 

With those criteria, a cutthroat game of War or Hearts is okay, but Rock, Paper, Scissors does not (although a family tournament using the Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock dice will in a pinch).  

Playing the same game on multiple days will obviously not count towards the goal, but will be extra fun nevertheless.   To qualify the one unique game, at least one member of the family needs to play it.  This way, if I'm stuck at work with overtime, my wife and kids can play something and it counts, or, if I'm visiting friends and strike up a game of Mordheim, the kids can play whatever they want.

I've also decided that, if this works, or even work halfway, I'll try out a 12 Days of Gaming over the holidays.  Toys and familial chaos need to be countered by something like this, a chance to sit around the table and do something as a family, before the next waves of presents.

Of course, Santa could just give us a big new pile of presents to fit that bill.

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