
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 2, 2015

#RPGaDAY2015 Day #2: Kickstarted Game Most Pleased You Backed

And welcome to day two.

When it comes to RPGs, most games that go through Kickstarters are either (a) not near my tastes, (b) so horribly vague in pre-production goals that I could think of a concept for a new RPG right now and I would be further ahead in the publishing timeline or (c) not worth my dime.   In fact, there are a few I've pledged a dollar towards just to see the trainwreck unfold.

As of the 2nd of August I'm still waiting on some RPG books, but by far the most impressive one I've back thus far is Tales of the Crescent City, by Golden Goblin Press.

This Kickstarter had scenarios already written, artwork already being worked on, and ongoing editing.   Since I didn't live overseas and didn't order all the silly add-ons, I was not subject to some shipping woes.

Not only do I get a book with seven Call of Cthulhu scenarios set in New Orleans, already a strange and mysterious place,  but I completely forgot I was to receive the Legends of New Orleans pdf with six more!  Their next Kickstarter De Horrore Cosmico, which I just recently received in the mail, interrupted production of the of the pdf, but it's back on schedule.  I sense a new campaign, or a relaxing vacation for the current group in the near future. 

The best part?  I think I received by physical copy of the book two weeks past the June deadline.  Most gamers simply don't understand this point..  Two weeks late in table top gaming is six months early for any company that doesn't have the words Wizards and Coast in their name.   Between the quality of the work, the constant communication, and the organization of the campaigns, I'm quite certain I'm automatically pledging on their Tales of the Caribbean Kickstarter in September, as well as the distant Horror on the Lincoln Highway.

Of course, I barely browsed through De Horrore Cosmico, but if this question was asked this time next yet, the Cthulhu Invictus scenario book might easily take the top spot.

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