
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Events for Mepacon Fall 2015 That Could Have Been

Thanks to the twelve dedicated followers who voted on the poll.  Thanks to your input, I would be running at least two different games. 

The Gnome Wars Battlerama would be a 8+ player game of capture the flag, focused on kids (14 and younger) although parents will be allowed to play too (if their children let them).

The Gnome Treasure Hunt would be for up to 8 players and continue the rule set from Cold Wars 2015 and our own game at home.  Tanks would replace the trucks, green army men tanks if need be.

I use would because my dreams for Mepacon are not meant to be.  My daughter has committed to the the next children's theatre production at the local playhouse, which happens to be the same weekend as the con.  Such is my life.

I scrambled to find some alternative to get in some gaming and some daddy-daughter time, and I thought I found the solution.

If I pre-regged for Fall-In! the weekend before, I could spend the day with Maja, avoid the registration quagmire, play in a kid's game or two, and snag some "Maja-approved" loot from the Dealer's Hall. 

To keep my Daddy-cred equal amongst the girls, I would take Millie to the Allentown First Frost Train Show the following Sunday, grab lunch, and still make it back for the Sunday afternoon performance.

One small problem arose.  It looks like Millie was accepted to participate as well, despite not making the age minimum.    Looks like my 30+ year string of missing the November train show will continue, so I don't feel too bad about missing Mepacon for two straight cons.

Plans for Fall-in! as a player (and free child attendee) is still a go.

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