
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, November 2, 2015

Children, and Costumes, and Wives, Oh My!

October is gone, long live November!

Then again, with the whirlwind schedule of kid's activities these next two weeks, I'll be amazed if I'm still standing.  Dance, basketball, and nightly tech rehearsals for the children's theatre production overwhelms the fact that Maja will be with me at Fall-In! this weekend.  The hotel might be her best night's sleep of the week!

This Saturday was an afternoon of cleaning, culminating in the chaos which is trick or treating in our neighborhood.  We did invite a few of our rural friends to come to civilization, but the haul was underwhelming.  The famed main drag of the area was surprisingly dark.  We also encountered a peculiar number of lit houses that didn't open their door.

Leave a single house light on, and I say no harm no foul. 

Leave all your house lights on, I'd expect an egging by the end of the night.

Decorate your entire lawn for a Griswald Halloween, and not open up for trick or treaters?  Expect a projectile Charlie Brown rock.

Regardless, our two monsters, a ninja, a princess, and my Wonder Woman and Cleopatra were quite satisfied with their haul and the complimentary glow necklace from the fire department.

Sunday was the Cthulhu game in Allentown.    Dr Bob bailed via message on Saturday, but we did get infamous Hoyce to sit at the table with us.     While there were no deaths, per se, two players rolled up new characters, we had a full discussion on the bootstrap paradox, and Dr Bob might be addicted to opium.

Oh yeah, that dance off scene in Guardians of the Galaxy?  Works in Call of Cthulhu as well.  Actual Play forthcoming.

We did have the pleasure of having a number of the wives present as well as the cacophony of two three-year-old boys running to and fro.    There were a few pauses, as I didn't want to interrupt disciplinary hearing and time out assignments while mini-tantrums were terminated.   I may venture a weekend and offer to run some 45 minute to 1 hour slots of T.I.A.R.A for my girls and the boys.  We'll see if Uncle Viscount can perform his magic outside of blood relations.

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