
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 27, 2015

(Kickstarter) Runequest 2nd Edition Reprint

On a day full of new Kickstarter launches, most are just horribly displayed, disastrously planned, or seemingly redundant (really?  ANOTHER Kickstarter for magic missile dice?)

The one exception is the Runequest 2nd Edition Reprint, presented in conjunction with Moon Design/Chaosium.  The material is ready to go to the printer, the pdfs are bookmarked and are ready to be emailed.  

The $30 tier nets you the Runquest 2nd Edition hardcover, 20 pages of player handouts, and a handy GM screen, plus pdfs of all the products (Shipping from the US looks to add an additional $11-33+ to the cost of your pledge, but we aren't looking at Horror on the Orient Express-level disasters that eventually forced Moon Design into their current position within Chaosium. 

And yes, if stretch goals are reached, Apple Lane will become available again.

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