
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Travis Hanson - Beanleaf Press

As we get closer to Christmas, I present the artwork of Travis Hanson to help you remember one of the true reasons for the season.

Seriously, you need to go onto Beanleaf Press and order a pile of his books so you can get them by Orthodox Christmas.  It's that good.

I supported his Kickstarter for Tanner Jones and the Quest for the Monkey Stone, and I need to put in  a proper order soon.  They're perfect reading for my daughter, and they capture a relaxed look into a child's imagination that I wish we all could have (he sure loves big stuff that defies gravity).  

Travis is great for his fans, normally producing a new piece of artwork on his Facebook page (the art above is one of them. No permission given to use, and I'll take it down if asked, but I hope in this case it's okay).    A lot of his daily pieces are unique character sketches that I would love to integrate as visual aids for a personal game with the girls.  LOTS of female characters.

He's also the artist on the Scavengers RPG I've been harping about.  In fact, he's one of the key reasons I pledged to it.

Regardless, after you help some of the less fortunate this holiday season, take some of the money you have left over and order some of his stuff.  You will NOT be disappointed. 

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