
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 25, 2016

Apathy of the New Releases (Feb '16)

Another month, another book of soliciations in Alliance Distribution's Game Trade Magazine.  Despite the name of my monthly post, there have actually been a few items that tickled my fancy in recent months.  Of course, just about none of it has arrived at my local FLGS, so I'll leave most of the items on my secondary wish list and perhaps rename it my "Things I Want to Physically Salivate Over in Person Before I Purchase Them" list

My Must Have Want List
Osprey Publishing
Tiny Games for Kids ......................................................................................... $8.00
Tiny Games for Trips ......................................................................................... $8.00

My Things I Want to Physically Salivate Over in Person Before I Purchase Them List
Space 1889 RPG .................................................................................................   $49.99
Space 1889 GM Screen .......................................................................................  $24.99
English versions of the German edition with all the glitches edited out (I hope).

Osprey Publishing
The Barrett Rifle ...............................................................................................    $20.00
Horizon Wars:  6mm Hard Sci-Fi Wargames ...................................................   $30.00
Nazi Moonbase ..................................................................................................   $19.00

Osprey just unleashes a plethora of interesting books.  None are special order worthy, but I'd bet five bucks I would snag any of these if I saw them on the shelf in a store.

My Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)

Alderac Entertainment Group
Twilight Squabble .......................................................................................... $19.99

Asmodee Games
Zombies vs Cheerleaders ................................................................................ $19.99
I'll admit that have a bias against Asmodee.  So many games that 'somebody' finds cool, yet they're not within my demographic of friends.  Perhaps the recent purchase of Settlers of Catan will change things.  Regardless, I usually wouldn't want to stock anything distributed from Diamond/Alliance with the word cheerleader in the title, but this one looks fun and humorous.

Atlas Games
Fast and Fhtagn ............................................................................................... $29.95

Avalanche Press
Great War at Sea:  Central Powers ................................................................. $29.99

Bully Pulpit Games
Fiasco 10-1, 11-2, 12-3 ................................................................................... $20.00 each

Catalyst Game Labs
Shadowrun RPG:  Boundless Mercy ............................................................... $19.99
Shadowrun RPG:  Rigger 5.0 HC .................................................................... $49.99

Cheapass Games
I know, I know, the definition and economics of things that are "Cheapass" changes every decade and I owned most of the originals of most of the games.   I guess ten bucks is the new definition of cheapass, the fancy anniversary edition of Kill Doctor Lucky being the notable exception.

Decision Games
Folio Series: El-Alamein ................................................................................ $19.95
Folio Series: Germantown .............................................................................. $ 9.95
Folio Series: Saratoga ..................................................................................... $ 9.95
Folio Series: Mortain Counterattack ............................................................... $19.95

Fantasy Flight Games
Elder Sign:  Omens of Ice Expansion .............................................................. $24.95
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Special Modifications HC .............................. $29.95
Star Wars: X-Wing Minis:  Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack ...................... $29.95
Talisman:  Cataclysm ....................................................................................... $49.95

Demonworld Miniatures Core Rulebook .......................................................... $29.95
Demonworld:  Dwarf Army Book .................................................................... $19.95
Demonworld: Thain Army Book ...................................................................... $19.95
Earthdawn:  Gamemaster's Guide ..................................................................... $44.95
Earthdawn:  Gamemaster's Screen .................................................................... $29.95
Earthdawn:  Travar - The Merchant City .......................................................... $34.95
Fading Suns - Criticorum Discord .................................................................... $34.95
Long live the new FASA, the exact opposite of the old FASA of days past.    In the 20th Century, Battletech and Shadowrun had a solid base of players you could rely on to purchase the latest releases.  Nowadays, it appears that 21st Century FASA is where  cool, mediocre games go to die.  I remember Alliance pushing Demonworld pretty hard back in '99-2000.   They may even have backstop from that release way back....

Games Workshop
As the kids were saying a few months ago, " I can't even..."    If I wanted to see shelves of $200 MSRP products and tiny $30 accessories I'd go to an electronics store.   

Mutant Chronicles RPG:  Player's Guide ............................................................   $19.99

Mongoose Publishing
Traveller RPG:  Core Rulebook ...........................................................................   $49.99
Traveller RPG:   Referee Screen .........................................................................    $19.99
Really?  ANOTHER iteration of Traveller?  Sweet baby die-during-character-creation Jesus!

Osprey Publishing
Finland at War: The Continuation and Lapland Wars 1941-45 ............................   $40.00
Imperial Chinese Armies  1840-1911 ....................................................................  $18.00
The Imperial Japanese Navy of the Russo-Japanese War ......................................  $18.00
US Army Green Beret in Afghanistan 2001-02 ......................................................  $19.00
US Marine in World War 1 ...................................................................................... $19.00

Paizo Publishing
PATHFINDER MAP PACK: ROAD SYSTEM .......................................................   $14.99
PATHFINDER: ULTIMATE INTRIGUE HC .........................................................    $44.99
PATHFINDER MODULE: IRE OF THE STORM ....................................................  $24.99

Palladium Books
Rifter #73 .................................................................................................... $13.95
Rifts RPG:  Coalition States:  Heroes of Humanity ................................... $16.95
Rifts RPG:  Coalition States:  The Disavowed ........................................... $16.95

Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds RPG:  Necessary Evil - Breakout Ltd Ed ........................... $24.99
Savage Worlds RPG:  The Sixth Gun .......................................................... $19.99

Pokemon USA
Pokemon TCG:  Mega Scizor and Shiny Mega Gyardaos 3 Pk Pin ............ PI

Reaper Miniatures
Old West Kids (2) .......................................................................................... $6.79

Rand Daingerfield .......................................................................................... $6.29
Retro-Sci-Fi Weapons .................................................................................... $6.79
Tess McFadden ............................................................................................... $5.99
Halfling Farmers   ........................................................................................... $7.49
Pumpkin Minions    ........................................................................................$15.49
I usually don't list individual Reaper figures, but the Old West Kids and the Pumpkin Minions look great.  I may need to move a few items over the 2nd wish list, but for now, they stay here.
Rogue Games
Colonial Gothic RPG:  Adventure ................................................................. $15.95

Steve Jackson Games
Chez Geek: Spring Break Expansion ............................................................. $10.95
Munchkin: Puppies Blister Pack .................................................................... $ 9.95
Munchkin 6.5:  Terrible Tombs ..................................................................... $11.95
Munchkin Legends: Deluxe. .......................................................................... $29.95

Strat-o-Matic Media
Baseball Championship 2015 Edition ............................................................. $19.99

Triple Ace Games
Halfling Feast Card Game ................................................................................ $24.99
Rocket Race Card Game .................................................................................. $24.99

Troll Lord Games
Castles & Crusades RPG:  Falls the Divide ...................................................... $ 9.99
Castles & Crusades RPG:  Harvest of Oaths .................................................... $ 9.99

Fun fact about Ultra-Pro.  Despite having a slew of cool CCG accessories (including metal life counters!), everything they have listed doesn't have a price.  We don't know if it's $5 or $25 and that more than likely will dissuade someone from even asking about it, much less special ordering.

Munchkin Marvel Universe ................................................................................ $24.95
Of the many times Munchkin could have jumped the shark, this might be the longest, highest jump yet.

Tiger I ...................................................................................................................  $11.50
T-60 Soviet Light Tank ........................................................................................  $ 4.95

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