
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 11, 2016

Cold Wars 2016 PEL is Up!

No one truly knows the status of the Lancaster Host for this upcoming St Patrick's Day weekend, and I'll be at the opposite end of the state then, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited about the PEL for Cold Wars finally getting uploaded!

For all the online worryworts prophetizing doom and gloom, a good number of the normal HMGS GMs have said "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" 

In fact, I'm a bit miffed with all the games that tickle my fancy.  Next time my wife wants concert tickets, I sit online waiting for hours for them to come available, rather than miss out on the local show and be forced to go to a different location to see it, on a con weekend to boot).

Here's a list of the events that catch my eye.  I'm trying to only list the first slot these games will run.  There may be multiple games of some events run over the course of the weekend.  For a complete list, go to the PEL on HMGS website.

F375: Battletech - Grinder 1
Fri 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 Players  GM: Mark Yingling and Battletech 
Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro
Rules: Total Warfare
The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the introductory Rules. You start out with a Light Mech and as you die, you advance up to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly & Rules Taught .
The Battletech room has been at the convention for over a decade now?  It never hurts to walk in a play a game, learn the rules, and get your head shot off by a Gauss Rifle.

F (?): Indiana Jones and the Pharaoh's Tomb
10:00 AM, 2 hrs, 4 Players  GM: Del Stover and Wednesday Night Gamers of Alexandria 
Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm  Rules: In Her Majesty's Name (or 7tv)
The amulet of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II was lost to the desert for four millennia. Now an ancient scroll reveals its location. Indy must retrieve the treasures for the museum (and a finder's fee, of course) before his arch rival, René Belloq. The challengers: Vicious local tomb raiders, fanatic Nazis, desert raiders, and ancient traps await. A quick pulp game before the Dealer Hall opens.

F304: Dujaila Redoubt, Mesopotamia 1916 - Theme
Fri 10:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, 6 Players  GM: Daniel Erdman and Pittsburgh Band of Gamers 
Sponsor: Test of Battle Games, 
Period: World War I, Scale: 20mm  Rules: Command Decision 4 - Test of Battle
March 7, 1916: The Indian Army Corps attempts once again to lift the Turkish siege of Townshend's forces at Kut-al-Amara. Historically, the Allies came very close to defeating the Ottoman Turks. Can you do better? Or will you, as the Turkish commander, hand the Allies one more defeat? Children 10+ welcome with adult or if familiar with Command Decision. 1hr set up and 1hr tear down.

F162: The Shadow Over Isigny-sur-Mer
Fri 1:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 4 Players  GM: John Emmett
Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Arkham Horror/Strange Aeons 
MI6 has been receiving reports of strange events and sightings - dimensional rifts, nightmarish visions, unearthly beasts - in the vicinity of Isigny-sur-Mer. As part of the multinational counter-occultism force Majestic, you have been sent to investigate the activities of Clementine Thalberg, a chief operative of the Nazi occult society The Black Sun. Will you and your fellow players be able to keep your sanity in check long enough to thwart her plans in this co-op Lovecraftian/WWWII mash-up? No players under the age of 14 without an accompanying adult for images of horror and mild adult humor. Rules will be taught.
F207: Kensington Affair - March 1897
Fri 2:00:00 PM, 6 hrs, 10 Players  GM: Larry Bond
Sponsor: Admiralty Trilogy Group, Prize: Product discount 
Period: Colonial, Scale: '1:2400 Rules: Dawn of the Battleships
From 1898 Naval War College study; the US Navy is tasked to recover an American merchant seized by an Allied blockade off Crete. While the Brits are inclined to let the Americans take back their ship, Russian and German responses are far more ominous and hostile. Can the USN protect Yankee interests in the middle of the Med or will Old World muscle be too much for the upstarts from the wrong side of the Pond? Join the Admiralty Trilogy as we explore naval warfare in the age of steel and steam.

F222: Trench Wars: Empires At War--The Forgotten Fronts 1916 - Theme
Fri 6:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, 7 Players  GM: Tom Cusa
Sponsor: Connecticut Game Club,
Period: World War I, Scale: 25mm  Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
WWI was a global war of Empires. Not all battles were fought on the Western Front. This will be a skirmish game set in one of the Forgotten Fronts of WWI. Will it be Africa, the Middle East, Asia or somewhere else? Come play and find out. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Although all players are welcome, this game is designed for players who are unfamiliar with the rules or the historical period. Kid friendly game. Parent-Child teams welcome.

F151: Cousin Nicki

Fri 7:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 7 Players  GM: Pete English
Period: Inter-War, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Force on Force, mod.
Tsar Nicholas II was not murdered in July, 1918 as the Bolsheviks claimed. Now, a few years later, British King George V has discovered that his cousin Nicki is being held prisoner at an isolated village close to the Chinese
Soviet/Afghan boarder, aka middle of nowhere. British troops have been sent rescue him, but Cheka agents have learned their plans. Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky has sent Red Guards to liquidate this potential embarrassment. The race is on to be first at the Romanov's door.

F243: Frostgrave, Treasure Hunting in the Frozen City

Fri 7:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 Players  GM: Alan Isabelle
Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Frostgrave 
Amidst the frozen ruins of the ancient city Frostgrave, wizards battle in the hopes of discovering the lost magics and treasures of a fallen empire. Each player will take the role of a wizard from one of the 10 schools of magic. Leading an apprentice and hired soldiers into frostgrave you will compete with other wizards also trying to find lost secrets. Award winning terrain from Fall In. Kids 12 and under welcome, accompanied by an adult.
Frostgrave is going to be the darling of the con circuit for the next few months, and for good reason.  Easy rules, great terrain (I'm assuming), and a general fun atmosphere will draw just about any gamer with an open slot to it.

F123: Rorkes Drift

Fri 7:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, 5 Players  GM: Billy Molyneaux
Sponsor: Two Buck games, Prize: Game
Period: Colonial, Scale: 15mm  Rules: Home rules
Rorkes Drift in 15mm area movement system fun, fast and simple but still has the effect of realism. Two Britsh players and three Zulu players.

F179: Okaharui: German Marines vs Mounted Hereros (German South-West Africa, 1904)Fri 7:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 6 Players  GM: Roy Jones
Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: Herero and German Miniatures
Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)
German Marines and Schutztruppen are moving in column through incredibly thick thorn bushes, in pursuit of Herero forces. Visibility is obscured, and the column is traveling at a crawl. Suddenly, shots ring out from the bush - and mounted Herero troops spring their trap!

F160: Empire of the Dead - Frostgrave Style

Fri 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 9 Players  GM: Jon Lundberg
Sponsor: Brigade and West Wind,
Period: Victorian Science Fiction, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Empire of the Dead
Ancient city with untold Treasures - and Dangers awaits. Various adventuring groups from across the world have traveled to search for loot. Other groups are searching for mystical powers - can they be trusted? Continuing HMGS Empire of the Dead Campaign

F231: BRUSILOV BLOODBATH: East Front 1916 - Theme
Fri 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 16 Players  GM: Peter Panzeri
Sponsor: Zvezda, Prize: ZVEZDA Miniatures
Period: World War I, Scale: 20mm  Rules: BLACK JACK RULES!
Which army will survive this meat-grinder battle? A "Russians Revenge" for Tannenberg, the WW1 Eastern Front Brusilov Offensive was "The Greatest Allied Victory of WW1" and "Austria-Hungary's worst crisis." With over a million casualties on each side, it is called one of "the most lethal offensives in world history." Join GM Pete Panzeri for a FAST-MOVING & FURIOUS-PLAYING massive WW1 combined-arms wargame of hundreds of troops, guns, planes and ugly surprises! Prizes by

F220: Trench Wars: Empires at War - The Forgotten Fronts 1916- Theme
Fri 9:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, 7 Players  GM: Frank Luberti
Sponsor: New York Wargamers Association,
Period: World War I, Scale: 25mm  Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
WWI was a global war of Empires. Not all battles were fought on the Western Front. This will be a skirmish game set in one of the Forgotten Fronts of WWI. Will it be Africa, the Middle East, Asia or somewhere else? Come play and find out. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Although all players are welcome, this game is designed for players who are

S161: Frostgrave - Cold Harbor

Sat 9:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, 8 Players  GM: Jon Lundberg
Sponsor: Brigade,
Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Frostgrave
Side vs Side. You and your allies are trying to sweep your opponents from the field and get the treasure. Beware of monsters crashing the party though. You can bring your own factions - No more than 10 figures including wizard and apprentice 800 points total and up to 1000 experience for your wizard

S324: Santa to the Rescue!

Sat 9:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, 7 Players  GM: Kurt Schlegel and HAWKS
Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm  Rules: GASLIGHT 
At Fall-In several of the good guys were captured by the goblins and as Santa refuses to put the goblins on the nice list, he must lead an expedition to recapture the prisoners! Players under 13 welcome with a playing adult.
After our failure to hold the town at Cold Wars, it's time for Santa to get down and dirty.

S122: Africa On Two Lire A Day

Sat 9:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 Players  GM: Eric Turner
Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm  Rules: GAG Rules
It's the 1890's and the Italians are trying to establish themselves in the Scramble for Africa. This action is loosely based on the Battle of Agordat in 1893. An Italian column is engaged by the Dervish forces of El Krohbar, The Tool of Allah. Come and play History as Hollywood would have it written. Avanti Savoia!

S393: Arrr! Thar Be Gnomes!

Sat 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 6 Players GM: James Reynolds and WNPG
Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Gnome Wars
Rumors have spread about the location of the treasure of the famous pirate Flowerpot Jack. Many a hearty Gnome Pirate crew has joined the race to find it. Come join a crew or bring you own crew of gnomes to the party. Bringing you own crew of Gnomes and ship will get you in even if the game is full. Kid Friendly - Adults must be accompanied by a child.
It looks like the much-talked about gnome pirate game from Fall-In! is back!  In fact, the two sessions of this are the only gnome games in the PEL.    Don't worry, Jim "The Gnome Guy" Stanton and the Stout Gnomes that are attending simply missed the PEL deadline and are conspiring for a different kind of game in the main book.  Details are still sketchy, so I don't want to spill the beans.

S203: On to Odessa - Ukraine, 21 June 2016 - Theme
Sat 10:00:00 AM, 2 hrs, 4 Players GM: Robert Franklin
Sponsor: Critical Hit Games,
Period: Modern, Scale: '1:285 Micro  Rules: Thunderbolt!
The 4th Guards Tank Brigade is spearheading the Russian drive from the Crimea. The Ukrainian 30th Mechanized Brigade rushes to oppose a crossing at the Kherson canal and prevent the loss of their Black Sea ports. The 30th has recently seen action in the Eastern Ukraine an is freshly equipped with T-80UDs. The 4th Guards are more than willing to put their T-90MSs to the test. Rules will be taught (5 min).

S109: Easter Rising 1916: Battle of Ashbourne - Theme
Sat 10:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, 6 Players  GM: Steve Carey
Sponsor: None,
Period: Early 20th Century, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Bolt Action (Modified)
Cheatin' Steve and the Tactical Gaming Society (TGS) present another beautiful battlefield. Journey to Ireland where, on April 26th, 1916, the 5th Battalion of the Dublin Brigade, known in the area as 'The Fingal Volunteers,' defeated a force of the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) at the RIC barracks near the town of Ashbourne. Command a section of the Fingal Volunteers as they rise and fight for Home Rule, or lead a squad of the RIC attempting to keep the King's Peace in Ireland. Rules will be taught. Children under the age of 14 are welcome if accompanied by a parent.

S185: Trench Wars: Treat Them Rough!

Sat 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 Players GM: Steven Robinson
Sponsor: Acheson Creations, Old Glory Miniatures,
Period: World War I, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Trench Wars
Tommy is facing the formable Hindenburg line. Can the shear bravery of Tommy and the steel behemoths punch their way through Jerry's defenses? Or, will a sea of wire entanglements, bunkers and non-ceasing hail of machinegun fire defeat Tommy's juggernaut? Come and pick a side and taste once again the rotting, acidic smell of the western front. I know for sure that lead figures do not bleed, but allot will have to wait until the afternoon to be played with again. Beginners Welcomed!

S233: ISIS ARMAGEDDON 2016 - Theme

Sat 10:00:00 AM, 1 hrs, 30 Players GM: CHRIS KING
Sponsor: Zvezda, Prize: ZVEZDA Miniatures
Period: Modern, Scale: 20mm  Rules: n/a
Who will prevail in this "Climactic Clash" between the RUSSIAN/SYRIAN ARMORED JUGGERNAUT and the NATO/IRAQI offensive? Can the ISIS JIHADIs foil them all? Join GM Pete Panzeri for a FAST-MOVING & FURIOUS-PLAYING massive WW3 combined arms wargame of hundreds of tanks, troops, guns, planes and ugly surprises! Prizes by
This looks to become something that rhymes with Buster and Firetruck....

S315: Doctor Who Returns to Schlegel's Ferry

Sat 1:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 Players
GM: Gregory Priebe and HAWKS
Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Doctor Who Miniatures Game 2nd edition (modified)
A mysterious blue police box once again materializes on the outskirts of town and a string of strange occurrences immediately follow. Doctor Who collides with the world of Schlegel's Ferry in a madcap caper to mark the 50th anniversary of one of The Doctor's greatest foes. This is the fifth of 6 linked scenarios involving the Schlegels and their struggle to survive throughout the history of MD. Children under 15 welcome with the the presence of a playing adult.

S344: Plastic Pirates Party!

Sat 3:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, 8 Players
GM: Geoff Graff and HAWKS
Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 40mm  Rules: Little Lego
Captain Ogle and his crew are celebrating their latest victory at the tavern. All the other pirates are not happy. What will they do? A kids game. Playing adults are welcome (if space allows) only with a child.

S142: Pennsylvania Pete - Escape from the Pharoah's Curse

Sat 4:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 4 Players  GM: Annemarie D'Amato
Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm  Rules: Audacious Adventures
PA Pete is at it again. This time he has just found the sacred idol and now he needs to leave the Tomb of Two-Ton Kommen. The tomb is a maze of wonders and perils. Can Pennsy and his team get out of the tomb with treasures the world can't imagine. Or will the adventurer fall prey to the Pharaoh's Curse.

S331: The Railway Station

Sat 7:00:00 PM, 5 hrs, 6 Players  GM: David Cook and HAWKS
Period: Inter-War, Scale: 28mm  Rules: TBD
The trains must get through! Somewhere between Udinsk and the Chinese frontier, a garrison of Whites and Interventionists guard the the Trans-Siberian railway. There are reports the Red partisans have been reinforced by the Irkutsk Soviet and are coming this way. Can the Whites prevent the capture of the station or will the Red forces prevail?

S232: PATTON vs. PANCHO VILLA 1916 - Theme

Sat 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 24 Players  GM: Peter Panzeri
Sponsor: Zvezda, Prize: ZVEZDA Miniatures
Period: Early 20th Century, Scale: 28mm  Rules: BLACK JACK RULES!
Lt. George's attack of 6th US Infantry and 13th US Cavalry troopers raid into Chihuahua, Mexico to take out Cárdenas, a key Villa leader, destroy Villa's logistical base and still BREAK OUT before the Federales and Villistas respond in force and envelop young Patton? Join GM Pete Panzeri for a FAST-Moving & FURIOUS-Playing massive 28mm wargame! Prizes by

S394: Road Warrior
Sat 10:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 12 Players  GM: Eric Goodlander and WNPG
Period: Future, Scale: 1/24  Rules: Modified Gaslight
We return again for the Road Warrior invitational. If you don't have a ticket, don't long as we have cars, we will make room. Play a blood thirsty game involving beer, explosions, bad driving and whatever stupid thing you can think to do with a vehicle! Now with Larger Cars and more Carnage!!

Z175: Eat Hitler, the Nazi Taste Treat!
Sun 10:00:00 AM, 2 hrs, 16 Players  GM: Brendan Watts
Sponsor: No,
Period: SciFi, Scale: 25mm  Rules: Howard Whitehouse's Eat Hitler !
Nazis build a time machine to travel back, restart and win WWII but find themselves accidentally propelled to an antediluvian earth inhabited by dinosaurs controlled by gamers seeking to rack up points by consuming the unfortunate denizens of the Third Reich. Kid,family and weary Sunday morning gamer friendly.
Edit:  Of course, I posted this right before HMGS sent out  a letter stating, "After conversation with the Host's management, it looks like the con's on, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead."   All appears good in the universe.

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