
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 16, 2016

(Kickstarter) Global Conflict

The New Year has arrived, and with it, Kickstarter has begun to awake from its holiday slumber.

Outside of a few 5e scenarios and the like, I get a bit worried when the big minis projects are coming from mysterious entities.  However, Global Conflict looks like something to dip a toe or two feet into.

Labelled a 28mm Modern game, the game should actually be considered Ultra Modern.   The future history provided in the descriptions pits European Union against Russia (the New USSR) and a backstabbing North American Confederacy of the US, Canada, and Northern Mexico.     The figures look decent, they have a terrain system to urban warfare, and shipping is included worldwide!

The figure sculpts have a step above modern dollar store soldier sharpness to them, but they're still quite nice. The vehicles could use considerable trimming to be up to snuff, but at the prices their pledge levels, it's tempting.

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