
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

(Kickstarter) Post Apocalyptic Wastelanders and Survivors in 28mm by Brigade Games

Brigade Games has recently launched their first-ever Kickstarter for 28mm Post-Apocalyptic Wastelanders and Survivors.

 The Wastelanders are beautiful figures, but the early bird pledge is all ten of them for $65, plus some reasonable shipping rates. That's still $6.50 a fig plus S&H.  I personally don't have Post-Apoc games in the queue to warrant a pledge for them.

Stretch goals aim more at the survivors as add-ons at under $5 a mini, or as special character freebies at Warlord Level ($65/70), or $6 as an add-on for lower pledges.

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