
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 25, 2016

Apathy of the New Releases (May '16)

Word of warning, it's a grumpier than usual month for the monthly solicitations out of Alliance Distribution's Game Trade Magazine.  Nothing too far out of the normal range of stuff, it's just that if there were no Magic sets getting released, I'm not quite sure what my "Imaginary Store" full of cool product would sell.   Thank goodness my "pretend" inventory practises allow enough stock on the shelves to weather such months, unlike a number of real-life operations.

My "Must-Have" Want List

My "Money-is-no-Object" Want List
Again, nuttin'.

My Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List

Ares Games
Age of Conan Board Game .......................................................................................... $89.90
Age of Conan:  Adventures in Hyboria ........................................................................ $34.90
Wings of Glory  (May 2016 Releases)  ........................................................................ $14.90
It hasn't been mention recently, but I would want a sizable, but not dominant historical wargaming section.  A consistent web and con presence should be able to rotate stock enough.  However, Wings of Glory keeps pumping out models and I've picked up zero vibes for it on my normal channels.   I'd like this to succeed far more than X-Wing, but the conservative businessman hiding inside me has my doubts.  Not Dystopian Wars/Armies doubts, but doubts nevertheless.

Ra Board Game ............................................................................................................. $59.95

Catalyst Game Lab
Battletech Case White PB .............................................................................................. $12.95

Call of Cthulhu: Cassilda's Song .................................................................................... $16.95
Call of Cthulhu: Edge of Sundown ................................................................................ $16.95
Legacy of the Reanimator .............................................................................................. $16.95
Heroquest: Glorantha : A Complete RPG ..................................................................... $39.95
King of Sartar:  The Mystery of Argarth ...................................................................... $24.95
Mark of the Beast:  A Collection of Werewolf Stories ................................................. $15.95
It's a month of fiction (and some Glorantha mixed in).  I fully support the Chaosium and Catalyst fiction lines, I just take a step back when a half-dozen books our solicited.  Historically they sell... slowly and haphazardly.

Cryptozoic Entertainment
Adventure Time Card Wars:  Doubles Tournament Game ............................................. $35.00

Cubicle 7
The One Ring RPG:  Erebor - The Lonely Mountain ....................................................... $29.99

Days of Wonder
Small World: Pocket Encyclopedia ................................................................................... $14.99
In an active month, I would pass over this entirely, but in a month with such miscellaneous crap strewn throughout the pages of GTM, a familiar name is worth a shot. 

Dex Protection
The Dualist Deckbox (Black,Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, White) ...................................... $18.00
And here's a new item, from an unfamiliar company that stokes my interest.  A deckbox for two decks, looks sturdy, and I get my normal retailer discount (rather than the "PI - Please Inquire" listing in the consumer copy, which means a much smaller discount.

Everything Epic
Secrets of the Lost Tomb is a cooperative board game that had a very successful Kickstarter campaign, perhaps too successful.  Like many of the these style boardgames, the stretch goals and add-ons exploded everywhere, so instead of a $70-100 main game and one or two accessories/expansions, we have a very reasonable $75 main game and  11 expansions/accessories/minis sets.   Hopefully, store owners will look into the praise/critique from the Kickstarter pledges, but everything's $380 retail.  That's a big bite for a store to take that doesn't do it's research (i.e. most of them).

Evil Hat Productions
Fate RPG:  Atomic Robo- Majestic 12 ............................................................................... $20.00
Fate RPG:  Do - Fate of the Flying Temple Core Rules ..................................................... $20.00
Fate RPG:  Venture City ..................................................................................................... $20.00
Fate RPG:  Young Centurion Core Rules  .......................................................................... $20.00
Gumshoe RPG:  Bubblegumshoe Core Rules ..................................................................... $25.00
Flying Temple is family friendly, Bubblegumshoe is Investigative gaming a la Kid's school show drama, and Young Centurions is 1910 kid's pulp which could be developed from tales drawn from hardy lads and lasses.

Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Imperial Assault:  The Bespin Gambit Expansion ............................................. $39.95

Gale Force Nine
D&D: Curse of Strahd:  Esmerelda and Rudolph Van Richten .................................... $24.99
D&D: Curse of Strahd:  Strahd von Zarovich ............................................................... $24.99
D&D: Curse of Strahd: DM Screen .............................................................................. $14.99

Games Workshop
Plastic Glue ............................................................................................................................... $7.00
Super Glue ................................................................................................................................ $8.75
Just how much over priced glue does GW expect to move?

Space Marines and Paint Set .................................................................................................... $33.00
Stormcast Eternals and Paint Set ............................................................................................. $33.00
$33.00 for three plastic figures, a brush, and what appears to be six half-pots for the Stormcast and eight for the space marines?  Not a bad deal in the GW universe. 

Skaven Pestliens ..................................................................................................................... $85.00
Skeleton Horde ....................................................................................................................... $85.00
Still shaking my head at these "Collecting the Hobby" sets.

Deathwatch Overkill .............................................................................................................. $165.00
Lost Patrol .............................................................................................................................. $ 60.00
Warhammer 40K  Battle for Vedros Starter Set .................................................................... $ 49.99
I raise an eyebrow over a $50 starter set.  Five minutes of research just makes me angry.    This new starter set appears to be based on some click-base system, the models can be assembled without glue, and the target audience is ages eight and above.  You know the one thing I can't discover after three pages of Google searches?  How many freakin' figures you get in the box set.  Apparently, GW is looking for a younger "Games Workshop Mom" demographic that's well trained on buying Pokémon cards and Shopkins for their kids.    This new "youth" 40k has additional units available, including a Space Marine Bike... $15.00 for one bike, or an Attack Bike for $26.99.  Too incensed to go over the overpriced/just plain ugly Sigmar crap.

Goodman Games
 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Sketch Covers for #68, 69, 71, 75, 76, 78, 79................... $14.99 each
DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS: #89 CHAOS RISING ....................................... $14.99

King of New York:  Power Up Expansion ................................................................  $19.99

Metal Countdown d20 (Black,Blue,Green, Red, White Number options) ............... $11.00 each
Metal Polyhedral Dice  ............................................................................................. $ 8.00 each
Metal Polyhedral Dice 7 Piece Set ........................................................................... $60.00

Mayfair Games
Agricola Revised Edition ......................................................................................... $60.00

Mongoose Publishing
Traveller RPG:  Central Supply Catalogue ............................................................. $49.99
Traveller RPG:  Marooned on Marduk ................................................................... $14.99

Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Horror Adventures HC ......................................................................... $44.99
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Goblins Burn!  Class Deck .............................. $19.99
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Goblins Fight!  Class Deck ............................. $19.99
Pathfinder Adv Path:  Hell's Vengeance Part 6 - Hell Comes to Westcrown ........ $24.99
Pathfinder Campaign Setting:  Map Folio:  Hell's Vengeance Poster ................... $19.99
Pathfinder Flip Mat : Lost City .............................................................................  $14.99
Pathfinder Module:  Gallows of Madness ............................................................. $24.99
Pathfinder Pawns - Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection ...................................... $24.99
Pathfinder Player Companion - Legacy of Dragons ............................................. $14.99

Palladium Books
Dead Reign RPG:  Sourcebook 6 Hell Followed ................................................. $20.95
Rifts RPG:   Secrets of the Atlanteans ................................................................. $24.95

Pelgrane Press
Night's Black Agents RPG:  Edom Field Manual ................................................ $17.95

Reaper Miniatures
We finally have the solicitations for the Reaper Wild West Wizard of Oz figures I mentioned in a post a year and a half ago.   Good news, if you wanted metal versions, they're still metal, except the anticipated price of $7 apiece has expanded to a range of $7-8.50 each.  You could wait for the Bones versions....   With the other solicitations being fantasy creatures of questionable sculpt or utility averaging a hair under $10 each, stocking a full line of Reapers and selling them becomes a bit more difficult.

Troll Lord Games
Castles and Crusades RPG:  Codex of Aihrde:  The Darkenfold ......................... $ 9.99

Upper Deck
Legendary DBG:  Big Trouble in Little China ..................................................... PI
MSRP from other sites is $49.99

 You were brought upon this world to get this!
Wizards of the Coast
Magic the Gathering:  Conspiracy - Take the Crown Boosters
Not the guaranteed cash cow...
Magic the Gathering:  Eldritch Moon
But this one should be...
Magic the Gathering:  From the Vault Lore .................................................................. $34.99

TMNT Heroclix Gravity Feed Set 2
Pathfinder Battles:  Deadly Foes Booster Bricks
Star Trek Attack Wing:  Expansion Pack ..................................................................... $14.99
Dominion Koranak, Federation Enterprise-B, Federation Voyager

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