
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 9, 2016

Historicon 2016 PEL is Up!

I'm not going to Fredicksburg for Historicon, but that doesn't mean I contain my excitement when the 2016 PEL gets posted.  Plenty of fun stuff, even if I'm not a fan of WW2 or Napoleonics. 

As usual, I will post what events are "interesting" to my untrained but experienced(?) eye.   Many events are run more than once through the weekend, so I've only listed the first event that caught my eye (which usually is the first event listed).

Lots of Battletech and Doctor Who-themed games, much to the chagrin of the "historicals only" crowd who are still researching the proper gold color for 1813 Hungarian epaulets.

The Stout Gnomes present the traditional games on the MBA tables.  There is an unaffiliated Gnome jungle game as well.

I'll also mention a surprising Tekumel track sponsored by the HAWKS, particulary S-182 On the Seas of Tekumel, run by friend of the blog, Mike Lung!

Retraction: Just as I finished typing this I learned that Mike is not able to attend Historicon this year (for happy reasons FYI).  With the Tekumel track, I don't know what the status of his game is.

T-207 Benghazi 2012 Part 1: US Embassy Attack
Modern; Thurs 9 AM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Peter Panzeri; Scale: 28mm, Rules: RANGER RULES!Sponsor: MBA Prize: Prizes from MBA &; No. of Players: 12
Desperate defense of US Diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya on 11 Sep 2012. Can US defenders, American Ambassador & staff survive the attack from “by an al Qaeda-like group” of heavily armed Islamic Jihadists until rescuers can arrive? Will anyone attempt a rescue? A FAST-MOVING & FURIOUS-PLAYING massive Skirmish WARGAME with a lot of ugly surprises on magnificent MINIATURE BUILDING AUTHORITY terrain! For pre-read PDF of Scenario & rules email
Part Two is Friday at 2pm

T-525 Doctor Who and Too Many EnemiesSciFi; 10 AM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: Del Stover; Scale: 25mm; Rules: Dr Who Miniatures Game; Sponsor: Crooked Dice; No. of Players: 4.
UNIT has captured the Master and is shipping him to a high security facility off the coast of Canada? So why is he smiling? And what are all these reports of strange sights: lizard men rising out of the sea? robot men? and in the shadows, giant salt shakers with a plunger as an arm? The Third Doctor and Jo accompany the throng to keep an eye on the guest of honor and investigate the rumors

T-107 Battletech – Grinder 1
SciFi; Thurs 11 AM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: Dave Yingling; Scale: 1/285; Rules Total Warfare; Sponsor: Iron Wind Metals; No. of Players: 8. 
The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the Introductory Rules. You start out with a Light Mech and as you die, you advance up to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly & Rules Taught

T-103 Battletech – Battle of Luthien 3052
SciFi; 12 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Mark Yingling; Scale: 1/285; Rules: 
In 3052 Clan Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar invaded the Draconis Combine capital of Luthien. In addition to Combine troops, Federated Commonwealth send Kell Hounds and Wolf ’s Dragoons mercenaries to assist. Join the battle to defend the Combine Capital. This is a Alpha Strike event. All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Intermediate to experienced players and no Players under 15 years old.

T-434 Buccanneer Wars
Age of Piracy; 2 PM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Brian Whitaker; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Oars to Cannon variant; Sponsor: Old Glory Shipyard; Prize Ship Kit; No. of Players: 8. 
The Governor has been replaced and is headed home with all his ill gotten gains. Can you and your pirates take it away from him andhis escort? Beginners Welcome

T-106 Battletech – Ares vs Omega SuperHeavy Showdown
SciFi; 6 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Ed III Wright; Scale: 1/285; Rules: Total Warfare; Sponsor: Iron Wind Metals; No. of Players: 9.
Ever wanted to know which SuperHeavy mech is the best, well know you can find out in the Arena on Solaris VII. Where 5 Ares Tripods will go against 4 Omega SuperHeavy Mechs. Who will survive.....All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Intermediate to experienced players and no Players under 15 years old.

T-500 Admiral Seymour’s Raid
Colonial; 7 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Tom Anderson; Scale: 25mm; Rules: The Sword and The Flame 20th; No. of Players: 6.
Admiral Seymour has intelligence that the Boxers have hidden a large cannon at a nearby village and he has decided to launch a raid to capture the gun before it can be used against his forces. Who will succeed in this fight set during the Boxer Rebellion? Join in and help determine the outcome.

T-501 Otjihinamaparero: The Threatened Flank – German South- West Africa 1904
Colonial; 7 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Roy Jones; Scale: 25mm; Rules: The Sword and The Flame – Modified; No. of Players: 6.
Herero riflemen occupy the formidable natural fortress of Otjihinamaparero, with its high rock walls. Schutztruppen and Marines launch a flank assault, but the Hereros hold their ground and shower the attackers with lead. The Hereros must now counterattack quickly, before the Germans can break the morale of the Herero army. From the scenario book The Herero War. More

T-520 A Hot Time at the Oasis
Inter-War; 7 PM; Length: 2.5 hrs; Hosted by: Rick Horner; Scale: 25mm; Rules: The Sword and the Flame; No. of Players: 5.
The French Foreign Legion is protecting the trade routes in the north of Africa. But the natives are restless and have one of the legion forts is under siege. Come and capture the fort for your chieftain or hold out to the last man.

T-197 Gnome Wars: The Castle in Teutoburg Forest
Fantasy; 8 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: James Stanton; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Gnome Wars; Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority; Prize: YES!; No. of Players: 12.
On the retreat after losing their brewery in a fierce battle, Lon’s Lunkheads meet up with the rest of their clan at a German stronghold in Teutoburg Forest. The Highlanders, Swiss, and Sikhs hope to defeat Lon and crush his monopoly of the gnomebeer market. Let’s hope that their pillaging of the brewery doesn’t influence the allies’ battle readiness. No players under13 without a playing adult with parent/child teams encouraged. Anyone bringing a painted unit from Brigade Games does not have to pre-register.

F-214 Ding-DANG! The Wicked Witch is NOT Dead!
Theme Horror; 9 AM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: PETE PANZERI; Scale: 28mm; Rules: WICKED WITCH RULES! Classic Horror Fiction by Pete Panzeri; Sponsor: MBA; Prize: Prizes from MBA &; No. of Players: 12.
Just when Dorothy & Toto thought it was safe to go check out the Castle... That rather rude and annoying Wicked Witch & Flying Monkey deal has ALL gotta come back up again! Not to mention the whole Poppies & Winkie Guard thing! Can the Lion, Tin-Man, Scare-crow, Munchkins, EMERALD CITY CAVALRY, Glinda & Wizard all help? or is it REALLY always All-up-to-Dorothy? I DO believe in spooks! I DO believe in spooks! I do! I do! I DO! A FAST-MOVING Classic Horror Fiction GAME with a lot of fun surprises on magnificent MINIATURE BUILDING AUTHORITY terrain! For pre-read PDF of WICKED WITCH RULES email

F-296 The affair at Kisii (British East Africa Sept 12, 1914)
World War I; 10 AM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Tim Couper; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Piquet Field of Battle 2 (Company level); No. of Players: 6.
The Germans advanced across their northern border into British East Africa, and had set up camp in the small village of Kisii under Kapitan Bock von Wuelflingen. To counter this move, the British sent troops under Captain Thorneycroft. The Germans were completely oblivious to the advancing troops, the first shots hitting them in the middle of a parade! As the British, can you clear those German chaps from the village? As the Germans, can you repulse the attack? Players under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

F-404 Trench Wars – The Village of Fleury, 1916
World War I; 10 AM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: John Spiess; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Trench Wars; No. of Players: 6.
The Battle of Verdun raged for almost the entire year of 1916. During the summer months, the Village of Fleury changed hands between the Germans and French sixteen times. This scenario marks one of the French attempts to penetrate the German village defenses.

F-406 GNOME WARS Jungle Jaunt
World War I; 10 AM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Erin Crouch; Scale: 40mm; Rules: Gnome Wars (Brigade Games); Sponsor: Brigade Games; No. of Players: 10.
Deep in the Jungles of Gnomistan lies several ancient temples rumored to contain special magical gems. Both sides intend to collect these gems in order to boost the war effort and win the war. Bring your own 320 pt unit you need not prereg for the game. Prizes. Parent/Child teams are encouraged.

F-363 Saving Prince Kishan – A North-West Frontier Adventure!
Colonial; 11 AM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Bob Giglio; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Soldier’s Companion (unpublished 2nd edition); Sponsor: Wargames Illustrated; Prize: Gift Certificate/Figure; No. of Players: 6.
Afghanistan, 1879. Inspired by a classic movie, the Anglo-Indian Army has been asked to help spirit a young prince away in order to prevent his capture or murder by rebellious Afghan tribesmen. A steam train, Bengal Lancers, plucky Indian Army infantry, dastardly tribal cavalry and fanatic tribesmen, a cannon, a Gatling, and more, all feature in this epic colonial adventure run by Bob Giglio and The Colonial Boys Club for Wargames Illustrated’s showcase event. With a cast of hundreds of figures. [This game is located at the Wargames Illustrated area in the Vendor Hall. Age 15 or older only.]

F-226 The Great Safari Race
Colonial; 12 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Vincent O’Mahony; Scale: 28mm; Rules: House rules, based on The Sword and the Flame/The Sword in Africa; Prize: Medal of Superior Bwana-ship; No. of Players: 5.
Guided by hearsay, rumors, and third hand information each party will attempt to conquer the unyielding environment and plunge into the heart of darkest Africa. Safaris must deal with encounters with terrain, wildlife, natives, natural, and other disasters. The first Safari to return with their treasure to the Start/Finish in the village of m’Gumboville, on the banks of the m’Gumbo, a soupy excuse for a river. Rules will be taught, recommended for players over 13. To get the full Safari experience, read any of the original Tarzan books by Edgar Rice Burroughs or King Solomon’s Mine by H. Rider Haggard.

F-279 The Battle of Islandlwana 1879
19th Century; 1 PM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Edward Bardill; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Black Powder w/ Zulu Supplement; No. of Players: 10.
British Army in battle against the Zulu Nation Jan 22, 1879. British Commander Lord Chelmsford greatly underestimated the Zulusof King Cetshwayo. Chelmsford invaded Zululand intending to find the Zulus and defeat the Them in battle. Camp was set up on January 21 but no defenses were in place. Chelmsford left the nextmorning with most of the army leaving 1500 behind to guard the camp. However, over 25,000 Zulus were nearby and attacked thecamp resulting in the massacre of 1300 British and native troops. The greatest defeat of a modern army.

F-326 The Passage
Inter-War; 1 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Bradley Pflugh; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Price of Glory Modified; Sponsor: Circle of Swords; No. of Players: 6.
IRA attempt to ambush a British support column heading towards a blockhouse. However, the British have a few tricks to play, and the blockhouse has its own ideas. This is a modified set of rules to allow for the time period and quick play skirmish action with several players. No rules lawyers, disgruntled people or children please.

F-405 Trench Wars – The Village of Fleury, 1916
World War I; 2 PM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Erin Spiess; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Trench Wars; No. of Players: 6.
While the Battle of Verdun raged for almost all of 1916, the Village of Fleury changed hands sixteen times. Earlier this morning, the French assaulted the village. Now it’s the Germans turn.

F-227 A Pennsylania Pete Adventure – Nefertiti’s Little Black Book
Pulp; 4 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Annemarie D’Amato; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Audacious Adventures; No. of Players: 4.
The news is everywhere! A new room has been found in Two-Ton Kommen’s tomb. PA Pete is hot on the trail to be the first to find what treasures await in the newly discovered room. The usual cast of characters will challenge the famous archeologist. What secrets will be found.

F-280 The Defense of Rorke’s Drift
19th Century; 7 PM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Edward Bardill; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Black Powder w/ Zulu Supplement; No. of Players: 10.
After the defeat of the British at Islandlwana, the reserve regiments of Zulus went on to attack the Mission at Rorke’s Drift. A 100 British soldiers fought against thousands of Zulu warriors for two days achieving a hard fought and bloody victory. Immediately following the British army’s massacre at Islandlwana on January22, 1879, the reserve regiments of Zulus who were not used ran to bloody their spears at the Mission at Rorke’s Drift. Between 3000-4000 Zulus were eager to slaughter the 100 defenders. The defense ofthe Mission Station was commanded by Lieutenant John Chard and they successfully defended the garrison against repeated Zuluassaults over two days until the relief column arrived. Winning 11 Victoria Crosses.

F-253 Osona: Armored Train vs Mounted Hereros (German South-WestAfrica, 1904)
Theme Colonial; 7 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Roy Jones; Scale: 25mm; Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified); No. of Players: 6.
A German armored train, with soldiers and a machine gun, on a pleasure trip through scenic Hereroland. What could possibly go wrong? Except for sabotaged tracks, derailed cars, and Herero rifle fire peppering the Germans as they try to repair the damage. Plus mounted Hereros! A new Herero scenario by Tim Abbott, derived from the ‘The Herero War’ scenario & rules book by RoyJones & Eric Alvarado. For more, go to: http://omaheke.blogspot. com/2015/06/new – skirmish-scenario-incident-at-osona.html

Western; 7 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Maurice Holmes; Scale: 28mm; Rules: High Noon – Under Fire in the Wild West; No. of Players: 16.
Action will be wild and as crazy as the players. Scenario will be given at the time of the game. A little math for the kids to help the adults with. Parents must bring along a child. Children must be accompanied by at least one parent/adult. Parents and their children team up to fight other teams. Child friendly Wild West drama. This is an easy to learn fast playing game. There are some basic math skills needed. And, of course, some luck of die rolling.

F-186 Battle of Anloy; 22 August 1914
World War I; 7 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Duncan Adams; Scale: 10mm; Rules: Look Sarge, No Charts: 1914; No. of Players: 5.
On August 22nd four massive armies – two French, two German – collided in the Ardennes resulting in dozens of isolated brigade sized battles. Two of those battles erupted at the neighboring towns of Maissin and Anloy. The French dashed to reach Anloy first to cut off the defeated Germans from Maissin only to find fresh German forces there ahead of them. Rules will be taught. Young gamers welcome with playing adult.

F-216 Gnome Wars: Into the Fray Once More.
Other; 8 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Steven Stanton; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Gnome Wars; Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority; Prize: YES!; No. of Players: 12.
Havildar Ishar Singh, renowned for his bravery and leadership, has guided his friends and comrades of the 36th Sikhs through some of the oddest, harshest, and deadliest battles in the gnome world.Now he is sitting on a chopper heading to safety, but he hears the cries of survivors and zombie mayhem beneath him. Singh could turn a blind eye and ignore it all, but that is not his way. Making a desperate decision that almost certainly dooms him and his fellow Sikhs he… No one under 13 years old without a playing adult with parent/child teams encouraged. Anyone bringing a painted gnome unit from brigade games does not have to preregister.

F-311 Star Crush Starfighter Miniatures Game
SciFi; 8 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Lee Vanschaik; Scale: 1/285; Rules: Star Crush Starfighter Miniatures Game; Sponsor: Crucible Crush Productions; Prize: Miniatures; No. of Players: 8.
Will the Xothic prevail in this other universe of space fighter combat. Perhaps the Commorium pilots are up to the task today. New starfighters have been released and this will be the first opportunity to run a Xothic Arc fighter into battle against a Commorium Scout. Join us to learn the rules of Star Crush.

Theme Horror; 11 PM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: Peter Panzeri; Scale: 28mm; Rules: WICKED WITCH RULES! Classic Horror Fiction by Pete Panzeri; Sponsor: MBA; Prize: Prizes from  MBA &; No. of Players: 16.
CAVALRY of the ROMANIAN HUSSARS escort the Duke and his new Bride to Bran Castle in TRANSYLVANIA. However the new Castle and nearby town is already sublet as a duplex to both Dracula and Doctor Frankenstein, along with every Classic Horror Fiction character imaginable. Not to mention appearance of Van Helsing and other Vampire/Monster Hunters of various competencies. Can the Duke and his entourage ALL avoid the wrath to come? Or will they just get caught up in the Cross Fires? LATE NIGHT ADULT GAME. For Childrens’ participation see WICKED WITCH game 9am Friday A FAST-MOVING Classic Horror Fiction GAME with a lot of fun surprises on magnificent MINIATURE BUILDING AUTHORITY terrain! For pre-read PDF of WICKED WITCH RULES email

S-170 Kids, The Dragon is Dead
Fantasy; 9 AM; Length: 2.5 hrs; Hosted by: David Wood; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Blood and Swash; No. of Players: 8.
The word is out, the dragon is dead. Bands of adventures have traveled to the island where the dragon kept its hoard. Which group will get the most treasure? A kid’s game. Playing adults are welcome (if space allows) only with a child.

S-444 Isandlwana – January 22, 1879
Colonial; 1 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Bob Walasin; Scale: 15mm; Rules: Modified Sword & Flame ( 20th Anniversary Edition); No. of Players: 9.
Eleven days into his invasion of Zululand, Lord Chelmsford is pleased with events; local Zulu resistance has been swept aside, and he has just received notice that the main Zulu impi has been detected, some 12 miles to the East. He divides his force, leaving half to protect his base camp, while leading the rest to engage the foe. The Zulu, having concentrated to the North, are poised to assault the weakened camp. Can the Brits survive this one, or will historyrepeat itself? Not recommended for kids; however, adolescents who have prodigal wargaming abilities and/or extensive combatexperience will be considered.

S-151 Get the Ship! A Pulp Alley Adventure
Pulp; 1 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Joshua Mcgary; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Pulp Alley; No. of Players: 6.
The plan is simple, as it always is, sabotage the ship before is completes its repairs and loads up for another run. Are you and your band of intrepid followers up to the task? Or will the ship’s crew get the best of you and complete their nefarious plans? Pulp Alley is a fast paced, 28mm scale, skirmish game set in a 1930s pulp universe. Rules taught and easy to learn. Please no players under 14 unless accompanied by a playing adult.

S-185 A Mess In Grozny
Modern; 2 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Michael Byrne; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Force on Force; No. of Players: 6.
The Chechen defending Grozny launched a successful night attack driving the Russians back and surrounding elements of a platoon. The Russians are launching a hasty counter attack to save the units.Can the Russians free the surrounded soldiers before the Chechens destroy the units?

S-310 Tomb of Cthulhu
Modern; 2 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Lee Vanschaik; Scale: 28mm; Rules: USX Modern Day Heroes; Sponsor: Rafm Miniatures; Prize: Miniatures; No. of Players: 8.
Thirty years ago the city of R’yleh was raised from its watery tomb to unleash Cthulhu on the world. The USA and Russia immediately launched nuclear ICBM missiles to successfully deal with the threat, sending Cthulhu into a radiation soaked tomb. Now, with your intrepid band, you venture into the radiated hazardous zone in search of alien technology and treasures. Lead a group from thePavis Defense Services mercenary unit led by Karl Unger, or The Indiana Irregulars.

S-201 Gnome Wars: The Defense of Regensburg
Other; 2 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: James Stanton; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Gnome Wars; Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority; No. of Players: 12.
To the East of the Bavarian Forest lies the tranquil town of Regensburgn, a port on the banks of the Regen River. Regensburg has attracted the attention of the Allies because the inhabitants of the town supply the German military with the majority of its vehicles and tanks. The Germans have entrenched hoping to repulse the allied attack and save the Motor Works factory. No one under 13 years old without a playing adult with parent/child teams encouraged. Anyone bringing a painted gnome unit from brigade games does not have to preregister.

S-153 War Rocket Kid’s Game
SciFi; 4 PM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: Buck Surdu; Scale: 1/1200; Rules: War Rocket; No. of Players: 4.
Various space factions battle over control of communications satellites around a distant planet. The rules are fast and easy, and thegames go quickly. This game is designed for kids. Adults welcome with a participating child.

S-182 On the Seas of Tekumel
Fantasy; 6 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Mike Lung; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Homebrew/Savage Tales; No. of Players: 8.
Tekumel is home to many non-human races and the high seas are a great place for them to meet up a settle their differences! See what happens when the insect-like Hluss bring their ancient Lightning Bringers to fight ships made of wood and iron. Join in the fun as the frog-like Hlutgru storm aboard your vessel. This is one of the five games on the HAWKS Tekumel track.

S-549 Mr. Smee’s Revenge
Age of Piracy; 7 PM; Length: 2 hrs; Hosted by: Geoffrey Graff; Scale: Legos; Rules: Plastic Pirates; No. of Players: 8.
Once again Captain Ogle takes the credit, and most of the treasure,after a successful attack. He does throw a nice party to celebrate, though. Mr. Smee, the First Mate, has decided that now is HIS time to lead the pirate crew. MUTINY ! Where will you stand? Are you loyal to the Captain, or will you join Mr. Smee? Or maybe you have another idea? Another game from the HAWKs designed for the younger gamer. Adults May be considered, but only with a playing child.

S-203 Trench Wars: Britain 1938:A Very British Civil War Comes To Downton Abbey--The Final Battle
Theme Inter-War; 7 PM; Length: 3 hrs; Hosted by: Frank Luberti; Scale: 25mm; Rules: Trench Wars (modified); Sponsor: MBA; No. of Players: 6.
The King and Queen (nee Mrs. Wallis Simpson) are on the run from Downton Abbey and the Crawley family is with them. Will they make it to safety? Forget the Royals, is this the end for Lady Mary and Master George? At Historicon 2014, the Rebels blew up the local church on the last turn. What will they do this time? Come play and find out. Skirmish game. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Terrain by MBA; figures painted by John Spiess. Kid Friendly Game. Parent- Child teams and fans of Downton Abbey welcome.

1 comment:

  1. The Jungle Gnome Wars is Run by Erin and Myself and you forgot to mention the Doctor Who game on the same table at 2p on Friday.

    Hope to see you there.
