
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Snowpocalypse 6: Shovelin' Out the Streets

After a beautiful February, March has decided to relapse back into winter...
I had some fun stuff planned for the kids while we were snowed in.  I forgot one little fact about our schedule:
Getting snowed in involves ultimately getting shoveled out. 
This is what I awoke to at 7am, before it was "forecasted" to get bad:

A few more hours and we were up to 20" with blizzard conditions.    I managed to get my wife's minivan out of the pile and ready for work Wednesday morning:
Yesterday I did set up for another Pulp Game, but I stared out the window and saw another blizzard.   Five more inches added over three hours kept me busy outside... and my wife's commute stretched from 20 minutes to two hours.  After a little pot roast and baths for the kids, we did manage to get our game in, but alas nothing else.
Details of the group's adventure is forthcoming...

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