
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 7, 2017

(Painting) The Incredible Impenetrable Egg

Things have calmed down.  The basement is dry, although some items are still drying out.  The new pump is resting nicely where it belongs, and with the nice weather for a day or two, I got some much-need yardwork done.

That doesn't mean I didn't spend time on the workbench, although more time was spent with the kids painting at the dining room table.

First off is some Easter Egg Terrain.
Maja was off at a hockey game with Mom, so I got Millie to paint up the gold one.  I had a heckuva time gluing the bottle cap and the bottom of the egg together.   No superglue would work, so I ended up using Elmer's, prayer, and a few layers of primer, paint, and sealant.  So far, so good.

Despite their suggestion for using liquid latex for rivets, I found an alternative using tiny sprinkles, just didn't have the time to find them in a supermarket.

These two items (plus a third if Maja finds the time) will play a prominent part in our annual Easter game.

Finally, a quick sample of what I should be finishing up over the weekend.  Here's the head chief of the Cult of the Ape God for our upcoming Pulp game.
I hope to have the entire cult finished up shortly, and then I can take a nice picture of my "Polynesian Army"  with everything else I've painted up from Bob Murch. 

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