
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Legions of Steel Spoils of Cold Wars

I didn't attend Cold Wars this year, and with the craziness of life before and after, it was probably a good decision.

I do have good friends that look out for me when they go, however, and our intrepid reporter Mike Lung snagged up a few Legions of Steel minis up at the flea market.

First is the main haul, six UNE Assault Infantry (with some arms in need of regluing) and two Behemoths.  Outside of glue, I'm not doing anythng to them.
 I also had Mike pick this mechanical spider/bug for me.   It's probably not LOS-based (the only markings on the figure probably say "99" rather than "GG" for Global Games.   Again, a simple leg to be reglued.  Any info on what this actually is would be appreciated.
Mike, payment (and a card by the girls, they seem excited) is on its way.

In my research, I also dug up an old Warzone site that converts LOS figures for the game.  The name on the webpage, Jim Williamson, seemed familiar.  Seems that he was the fellow from Jersey that attended a few PA cons back in the day and ran Warzone.  To see Lehicon, Dexcon, and even Lehigh Valley Games Day still on the internet makes me smile. 

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