
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 13, 2017

(Kickstarter) Hedgerows and Heroes

Rebels Minis, in conjuction with Splintered Light Miniatures, has launched Hedgerows and Heroes, an ambitiouis Kickstarter for wargaming rules with 28mm anthropomorphic animals minis.

A $5 pledge nets the pdf of the rules, $75 gets the rules as pdf and hardcopy, PLUS 60 minis.

The minis are nice, but they seem awfully familiar (not surprisingly) to Splintered Light's 15mm range. When compared to an actual 28mm figure, they're slightly more than half the height.

That also makes the foxes, possums, and the like much smaller than the Reaper Mouslings or Eureka's Mice Warriors.

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