
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Historicon 2017 Friday Gnome Action

As has been tradition, I avoid Historicon in Fredericksburg (a springtime drive to a gymnastics competition in Williamsburg confirmed that). However, we've been blessed again with intrepid Gaming with the Gnomies intrepid reporter Mike Lung sending pics back... and a concise battle report from Friday's game.

"CrazyGnome Wars game. An eclectic group of regular gnome units try to gather cheese, fuel, power cells, and nukes while ducking it out with invading killer robots, space gnomes, and mice. But in the end, Bill's Radon Zombies won the day by tricking some gullible Swiss Gomes into aiding them in capturing an aircraft to spread toxic Radon gas across the planet!"

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