
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, July 10, 2017

(Painting) Stormwing by Reaper Miniatures (Bones 3)

Somehow, the first two big items from my Reaper Bone 3 Kickstarter are actually finished!

Stormwing is complete!
I'm not building a bigger shadowbox for one figure.
Assembly for this bad boy was pretty simple, although a perfectionist might want a little green stuff where the wings attaché to the body and a dab or two behind the head. 
What type of dragon is this, beyond a fill-in for the Norse dragon for my Rat-Na-Rock/Mousageddon game? 

The base color Americana Marigold.  Yep, Marigold with a double douse of GW Seraphim Sepia and some various shades of orange from highlighting.
Dragon vs Mousling
Next:  Frost Giants and Mushrooms and Schutztruppe, oh my!  And a write-up for the Season 2 finale for the Pulp Game!

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