
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 28, 2017

#RPGaDay 2017 Day 28: What Film/Series is the Biggest Source of Quotes in Your Group

Here's one of the softball thrown at us for #RPGaDay:

Day 28: "What Film/Series is the Biggest Source of Quotes in Your Group?"

Dude, if you've ever read this blog before, why did you even click on this post to see the answer.

Monty Python

Accept no substitutions.


  1. There are some who call me.... Tim...

    I have a feeling most people doing these will be answering the same.

    ALIENS would be a close second ("GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER!")

  2. The groups I've been playing in/running for still occasionally use a movie or pop culture quote buy have mostly moved on to "original" bad puns and inside jokes. Perhaps that is because I've been playing with the same folk since 1997and we have history to fall back on instead of manufactured cultural bullet points?

    1. In my group we often joke about "excessive role-playing" because our GM Bruce told us one night that we'd be finishing up the campaign he'd been running for the previous year and a half. It took us three more months to finish it off. He later claimed it was due to our "excessive role-playing" and now we joke about that any time he says anything to do with how long something will take us.

      In our current D&D campaign one of the Rogues traffics a product he calls "Sorcerers Squash" - a hallucinogenic that grows in the nearby jungles. He often misses sessions in the spring and fall due to farming (like the player actually farms and can't make it to games) so we started saying his character was hitting the squash or the "product". Now anytime someone misses a game - their character's been "on the squash"...

      and so on...
