
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 5, 2017

#RPGaDay 2017 Day 5: Which RPG Cover Best Captures the Spirit of the Game?

It takes until Day 5 of #RPGaDay to hit a question I couldn't immediately answer.

Which RPG Cover Best Captures the Spirit of the Game?

There are plenty of solid RPG covers out there, but there's been many a time over the last 30 years, that a cover spoke to me, but when I picked it up or eventually brought it home, it was nothing like what I envisioned it from the cover.
It could be argued that Risus' stick-figured theatre captures the simple system, but the basic rules don't have a cover!

So in a similar vein, I'll give it to TWERPS "The World's Easiest Role-Playing System"
 In a system so basic that campaign fluff can turn into crunch, TWERPS has been source for sci-fi fighter battles, zombie apocalypses, pulp, and just general gonzo play, and no matter how detailed I make the world or heroes, I picture them in the style of the artwork. 

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