
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, December 16, 2017

(GURPS) Eric Jacobson, the Sixth Year of Gamefication

Six years ago, I admitted to the world of an interesting experiment that I had been conducting.   I admitted to a GURPS version of myself, an amalgam of a 100-point version of me I created for a Red Dawn game gone gonzo, and interspersed with various dream memories I've had since high school.  I've tried to regularly post an update with more skill points added from all the The last few years around Christmas I post an update of this character and venture a guess as to what happened to him game-wise, to add these somewhat random skill points.

It can't be all the amusement park and cruise ship dreams I've been having.

I openly admit that the stats essentially make me Tom Arnold's character in True Lies.

ST: 10 DX: 11 IQ: 13 HT: 12  (As usual, no change to my stats.)

Advantages: Charisma +2 (I am a helluva guy), Common Sense (I'm constantly warning people in dreams not to do stupid things), Luck , Voice, Light Hangover.

Disadvantages: Bloodlust, Nearsighted (corrected), Gluttony, Stubbornness, Sense of Duty (Friends). Enemy: The Mormons (earned "in-game" no points), Dependents: Family (earned "in-game" no points)

Skills: for skill checks, one rolls 3d6 and roll your skill level or less. These are the skills I've put points into, which means most simple actions are automatic. If I wanted to do something that's not on the list, like speak French or pick a lock, my default skill level is usually IQ or DX -5... or worse. A skill level of 10 is average, 12 rather skilled, 14 well-trained, 16+ expert.

The skills listed in bold means that character points have been added to the character, but a only "+#" after will denote those skills with enough point to earn an increase

Accounting 11
Acrobatics 8
Acting 13
Administration 18 (+2) 
Animal Handling 10
Anthropology 11   
Archaeology 10
Area Knowledge: Iceland 13
Area Knowledge: Lehigh Valley 14       
Area Knowledge: Michigan Upper Peninsula 11
Area Knowledge: New York City 13
Area Knowledge: South Africa 13
Bard 20   (+2)
Bicycling 11
Boating 9
Boxing 10
Brawling 13
Camouflage 14
Carousing 12
Climbing  11  (+1)
Club 11
Computer Ops   13  (+1)
Conspiracy Theory 11
Dancing 10
Diplomacy 13
Drive Tractor Trailer 11
Drive: motorcycle 9
Driving: Auto 14
Driving: Diesel Locomotive 11
Economics 11
Engineering 12
English 14
Fast Talk 13
First Aid 13
Forensics 10
Forgery 10
Geology 10
Guns: Pistol 14
Guns: Rifle 14
Guns: SMG 13
Hiking 10
History 17
Hobby Gaming. 14   (+1)
Hobby: Models 12
Intell Analysis 11
Interrogation 11
Judo 9
Language: French 12
Law 12
Leadership 12
Mathematics 10
Merchant 11
Naturalist 10
Navigate 11  (+1)
Occultism 14 (+1)
Politics 14  (+1)
Performance 14  (+1)
Psychology 10
Punning 11
Running 13
Savoir Faire 17  (+1)
Saxophone 12
Scrounging 13
Sex Appeal 14
Sport: Basketball 10
Sport: Football 9
Sport: Golf 11          
Sport:Volleyball 9
Stealth 11
Strategy 10
Survival: Mountains 12
Survival: NBC 13
Swimming 11  (+1)
Tactics 13              
Theology 10 (+1)
Wrestling 10

For the original skills, the huge jumps in Administration and Bard, and the regular increases in Performance and Savoir Faire can be interpreted that my cushy mid-management position has led to a job promotion, and one involving the public.

Looking at the new skills to see what new trails the position is taking me.
Area Knowledge: Baltimore 11
Electronics Operation: 11
Crytography   10
Knife    10
Mechanic  11
Meteorology 11
Streetwise 11
Sport: Ice Skating 8

Between points towards existing skills, plus these new ones, and I have a rough idea what's been going on.  I've been assigned to a number of odd situations for the agency, not investigating them per se, rather using my Administrative talents to allow the site operation to go smoothly, make a few statements with a the press I have feeding out of my hand, and wrap up the investigation and get out of the public eye as quickly as possible.

I'm part bureaucrat, part-Baghdad Bob, and part Damage Control.

An odd assortment for a 257.5 point character in GURPS 3rd Edition. .  Had this been a traditional character advancement, there would be a lot more points in Guns and Spy skills.  This is more organic.

I'm not a particularly powerful character at over 250+, but that might just be to my advantage.

Of course, the extra points into Occult and Theology mean I'm still focused on finding, exposing, and eliminating the secret Mormon cabal that controls the church, Utah, and a number of other things.  I lost a lot of friends they day we discovered them.  It might be time for revenge.

Or it might be time for a month-long series of dreams about going to clown college.

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