
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mandatory Holiday Swag Post for 2017

After three months of craziness, I present to you, a lone figure!
Party Tonight Like It's Nineteen Gnomie-Nine!
Seriously, after a never-ending barrage of work and home dilemmas, I've spent some time at the painting bench.  Nothing to report, but I hope my Friday reveals will reappear soon.

Previous years I've posted the random holiday swag I've garnered.  They have been gaming boons for me, but borderline disasters.  Wishlists to my wife have resulted in either 5pm pick-ups on Christmas Eve at the FLGS or an excessive Amazon order that have been great reads and scheming sessions, but not much actual utility.  My wife wouldn't let me add a bookshelf to my Christmas list this year, so I think that's a hint that I should start using what I got.

With no guidance for my wife, she got me the bare necessities I always want.  Underwear, undershirts, all the sweets I only like... and a hockey sweater so I match with the family as we go to games this season.

Because she was worried about the quantity of my gifts after seeing me walk into the house with her gifts (thanks oversized Amazon shipping boxes), I pulled out some aces that I had acquired.

For stocking stuffers, a large bottle of Zap-a-Gap and two peasants in Reaper Bones.  And to offset the Kickstarter pledge for Series 2, I held my OGRE Plastic Minis Series 1 pledge to be opened on Christmas morning.

I also got the disco dancing gnome previously shown on this post.

The only person tougher to shop for than me is my sister, but a delayed message to her husband allowed me to get a copy of Terraforming Mars  up to Boston before they left for vacation.  In return they sent me a copy of  New Bedford, a Game of Historic Whaling and Town Building.

From my youngest Millie, I got a keychain tape measure.  Well done.

The rest of my ill-gotten gains are pending.  My mother-in-law and her boyfriend went completely overboard with cash this year, and I've taken care of a few items on my want and need lists.
  • I finally added a few figures to my Reaper Bones 4 pledge manager.  After some weird politicizing regarding the campaign, I simply kept by $1 pledge for Wave 1 for things to blow over, for better or for worse.  Even with some time with separation and my recent windfall, I could only add a few giants, the adorable little dragons, and some villagers for my pending order, scheduled to ship in February 2019.  
  • I also decided to expand my small "Egypt" town, as my daughter Maja calls it, especially since the third season of our Pulp game is scheduled to kick off sometime in January.  But what to buy?  I like my MBA buildings, but I'd like a little of my Christmas money to go to contractors for house repairs.  I was eyeing up some Crescent Root buildings over this past year, but apparently some of the accessories are out of production and the design for the market stalls changed, not to my liking.  I finally ordered four 28mm Middle Eastern buildings and a set of walls from Gamecraft.  The cherry on top is that I added a 6mm Taco Bell along with the order, an item that's been on the blog's wish list since I constructed it.  Big praise to them, as my order is already in transit and should be here by Tuesday.
Guess I have a lot of little tanks and large buildings to work on in January.

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