
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

(IOU) Count Von'Count

Count Von’Count

One day, Jerry Nelson the puppeteer, literally brought the Count to life as it were. Count awoke in a startle to find himself sentient, and hungry for stuffed animal plush. The Count is a math and physics major on campus. He does mostly night classes. He is not harmed by sunlight, but does not enjoy it. He looks and sounds just as he has for decades on TV. He does sleep in a small coffin, can turn himself into a bat (though it looks like a cheap flying Halloween decoration), and can hypnotize/mesmerize others with his stare.

(4) – 4, 4 D6 – The count is a math wiz. Ask him anything mathematical. He makes Rainman look almost normal. Physics, geometry, theoretical mathematics; he’s your guy.

(3) – Dance with me – The count enjoys dancing in his spare time. He enjoys going to late night dance clubs and has been known to “serve” people. His favorite dance is the two... two step, ah ah ah!

(2)– The Final Count Down – The count can unleash a devastating attack on a foe when he counts down from 5 to 0. At the end, he lets out a trade mark laugh which is followed by lightning and a clap of thunder. The lightning comes from nowhere, but strikes the targeted foe and deafens all nearby except the count.

(1) – Count with me – The count gazes at a targeted foe and has a chance to hypnotize or mesmerize them to do his will. They will obey him so long as it does not cause self-harm enough to knock them out or kill them.

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