
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 5, 2018

(Painting) Fantasy Figs from Iron Wind

The nasty Canadian air has permanently settled into the States.

But, with the perpetual noise of the furnace behind me, I've managed a some time downstairs at the painting bench.  Lots of cleaning and assembly, but a whopping TWO items are finished!

First off is my first paint and take figure from Fall-In! 2017.  Nothing like grabbing an Inshon from Arcana Evolved (former Ral Partha) Iron Wind Metals figs at a historical convention.
Inshon 67-103  Iron Wind Metals 
Second is my second paint and take figure (They said it was okay this year, honest!) was another Iron Wind figure, this time a stock fighter in plate mail.
Male Fighter in Plate 03-140 Iron Wind Metals
The figures are great (especially since IWM was nice enough to donate them to HMGS Hobby University).  The latest and greatest thing to make me feel old.  The realization that figures that would be $2-2.25 back in the Ral Partha days are now $4.95 apiece.  Still cheaper than Reaper and just as effective.

I'm trying to get a handle of the chaos on my bench, especially with new items taking precedence.    I'm missing a tank turret and a base for a stand of infantry, but the plastic OGRE miniatures are assembled, trimmed, and primed.

After USPS declaring my Gamecraft order scheduled to arrive on January 2, then mysteriously losing it at the Ohio border on New Years Day, I'm happy to say it arrived yesterday.  Those building are priority #1 as I prep for the season three premiere of the Pulp Game.

Winter is here, and I may have found some motivation.

Speaking of motivations, this week's Beer to Paint By was Blizzard of Hops by Tröegs.  I love hops in my beer, but I'm also smart enough to know when a bottle has the word Hops on it, it's not going to be collection of subtle flavors.  I would have liked to discover at least some warm seasonal spices, but it simply tastes like an overpowered IPA.

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