
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 15, 2018

(Painting) Rust Monster Away!

Even with the ice and cold returning, cancelling all of our plans, a family full of the sniffles reduced my time in the basement. I got lots of paint on lots of figures, but only one is sufficient enough to say finished. 

A lone Rust Monster, or should I say Oxidation Beast from Reaper Bones.
Oxidation Beast (77032)
This was the one of the last Reaper Bones that my local FLGS had from a restock from over a year ago.  No reason why they never reordered, but the space is taken up with the Pathfinder blind boxes and some of the Nolzur's D&D two-packs that don't seem to sell.  I did manage to find some Armory White Primer (!) and a weird shade of Vallejo green to round out my purchase, but I'm afraid there's nothing left for me to impulse buy at the store.  The FLGS is one of the topics on my Project 350, so I hope to get that done this week... as well as more minis. 

My current queue is a beautiful mess with OGRE minis in various shades, all my Gamecraft Miniatures buildings built and primed, plus a wild assortment of Pulp stuff. 

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