
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Project 350 Week 2, Plus Convention Issues

Two weeks down on my quest to get the collected drafts and scheduled posts hiding in the background of my blog down to a "reasonable" 350.

As we near a month left in my process, I'm down to 364

With this post listed as a "Scheduled"
I have mixed feelings when I say all of the writing projects for January-February are done, because that means I need to play more games and paint more figures to get those Drafts down.

Otherwise, it's adjusting conventions with hockey.  I just discovered we have tickets in Hershey the Saturday of Cold Wars, as well as some familiar duties during Mepacon or The Weekend, yet somehow the wife has weaseled another cruise out of me for May 2019. 

On the plus side, my wife has taken the week of St Patrick's Day off, so I can venture down to Cold Wars on Thursday night.  

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