
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Project 350: Week Three

Three weeks down on my quest to get the collected drafts and scheduled posts hiding in the background of my blog down to a "reasonable" 350 by the end of February.

As we near a month left in my process, I'm down to 360.

Let me tell you, the process for this idea hoarder is a difficult one, as the cool ideas continue to appear, and I must be strong to resist... or at least get something accomplished before I add more.

The freak snowstorm, kids coming back from a weekend away, and laborious pick-up of the groceries have made what is normally a relaxing fun day with the wife at work into sheer drudgery.  And to make matters worse, the satellite dish has two inches of solid ice on it, so no Super Bowl (and worse yet, for my safety, no This is Us after the Super Bowl). 

So is life.  Not even sure if I can corral the kids for bed, since they are already excited about the 2-hour delay.

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