
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, March 23, 2018

The League of Extraordinary Flea Market Finds

With all the chaos of this past week/month/lifetime, I never posted the individual figures I grabbed from the flea market at Cold Wars.  But first, more kvetching...

My phone refused to take a charge Wednesday night, died overnight, and I couldn't get it to a shop for a thorough cleaning until noon. 

If it had worked, I would have gotten this picture from my intern before walking in...

Nothing like the hot water faucet of the kitchenette getting ripped off and flooding the office.

After a visit from ServPro, a million fans, blowers, and dehumidifiers, and a relocation to a computer that doesn't have the same access I have, I'm just about to move back to my desk. 

At least my carpet got clean. 

Between that, my mother re-admitting herself into the hospital, and my normal course of bat-guano crazy stuff, I can wait for this week to be over.

That out of the way, here are some finds, plus a new friend. 

The Zulu on the left was from the Hobby University paint and take.  Still slightly red from the Ancient Brick paint I mistook for a darker brown.  I'll need to find a plot device to dump an ol' timey prospector and a buffalo soldier in a Pulp Egypt game (the buffalo soldier may become a new lieutentant for Lt. Col Ovaltine... or a foil), but the others make new generic NPCs.  

Hopefully over the next week I'll do the touch-up or repaint, and properly flock these guys.  

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