
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 26, 2018

28mm Single Story Building from My Gaming Table

Despite my self-imposed backlog, when I pick up something new that's this easy, it gets finished in record time.

One of my purchases from Cold Wars were some very basic MDF buildings from My Gaming Table, sold through Dave's Baggage Train.  Here's the one-story structure.

The window and door frame were a little problematic for my large fingers, but came out very nice.  The one story building with chimney variant is in the queue, waiting to get glued and primed
I had picked these over the items from Things From the Basement simply because they were cheap ($10, $12 for the one with a chimney) and pretty basic for the Mousling games, if we ever started them up.  After picking up some Mousling-esque terrain from the dollar store, I drew some inspiration from Dalauppror, and not only got an eye popping building, but also whittled down my want list for some future Pulp Campaign terrain. No more holidays in jolly old England, with a little work our heroes shall vacation in Sweden... and it keeps continuity!

My painting beer for the week has been Train Wreck Imperial APA by Rusty Rail Brewing Company.  I've appreciated various Rusty Rail brews before, but I sort of knew what was coming with the hops on the label.  I appreciate a good, hoppy beer, but this goes beyond what is necessary.  I was almost to the point where I felt like I needed to chew the hops, it was so overwhelming. 

Still, I finished my supply, so I'm not chalking it up as a loss.
In the Queue:  The next house,  Arabs, and some refurbs....

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