
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

(Painting) Ovaltine's Auxiliary Staff

Even with a full day's work to handle a complete and total power failure at work, I managed to get downstairs and not only put paint to figure, but finish four of them!

The girls know that episode two of Season Three of our Pulp Game will have an expanded force of Lt Col Thaddeus Ovaltine's Rough 'N Ready Riders attacking the town of Sohai.  Of course, that meant doubling their numbers.

I used the more dynamic poses for my US Marines in Samoa from the US Skirmishing Infantry for  Spanish-American War line from Old Glory.  While I've used these for Ovaltine's men, the remaining figures (specifically the very Army Infantry NCOs and officers) are getting a similar style but one that isn't meant for Cuba or the Pacific.

Here are Ovaltine's sergeants and buglers:
From Old Glory SAW-02
The remaining dozen or so figures are *this* close to getting completed.

On a sad family but happy dad front, the kid's gymnastics program is permanently shutting its doors after the USA Gymnastics Northeast Regional Championship next month in West Virginia.  One more three hour trip and hotel expense to earn some final hardware in their gymnastics careers.  Any other program doesn't offer enough, is too far away, but in either case is almost triple the cost of what we're paying.

We get a month's total reprieve before a tightly scheduled, more accomadating Summer basketball program starts up.

Of course, I've heard the c-word this week, and it makes my skin crawl even worse than a 9-hour drive to Williamsburg, Virginia on a Friday night..... Cheerleading.

In the Queue:  More riflemen for Ovaltine's private army.  Arabs, and a few Swedish style houses!

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