
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 4, 2018

All the King's Men Closes Their Doors

It’s with some surprise and a touch of sadness that I found out that Ken Cliffe, owner and operator of All the King's Men Toy Soldiers LLC will be shutting down the the business for good.

It appears that he and his wife purchased a farm that is taking up every waking moment of their lives (as farm are wont to do).  Obviously the farm is a priority of the hobby business. 

Actual casted figures are no longer available on the website.  Some accessories and some cannons are still available

By June 1 website will be down as well.

Off the ATKM website, as well as the Facebook page:


It makes me inexpressibly sad to announce that All the King's Men will soon be closing. The Lovely Gina and I have fulfilled a dream of moving to a farm. The land demands huge amounts of time and work, but is rewarding in its own right. Unfortunately, that has meant less and less time to operate ATKM and properly serve you good supporters and customers. I'm sure you've noticed my drastically reduced newsletter, Facebook and convention presence. Hell, I haven't painted a figure in almost 2 years! I guess you could say my brush has been traded in for a plowshare.

The past 13 years have been amazing. I've met wonderful people. We've moved toy soldiers, drunk drinks, and smoked smokes. None of this would have been possible without you guys. Check “Make toy soldiers and make lifelong friends” off my bucket list.

As a result of all this, the ATKM website has changed considerably. Only a few items are available for sale (mostly accessories) as I clear out inventory. Castings are no longer available since making them requires what I have least: time. Basically, if an item has an “Add to Cart” button next to it, it's still available, but only as supplies last.

The site will remain up til early June, and then will come down altogether. I wanted folks to be able to get any PDFs or whatnot from it that they wanted before saying goodbye.

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement. On to new adventures!

-- Ken Cliffe

I like ATKM and Ken.  The figures were great, the game was fun.  Unfortunately, 54mm AWI always ran fourth or fifth fiddle, at best, to my other gaming interests.   I wish he and the lovely Gina the best in their farming endeavors.

I still have a box of unpainted figures in the garage.  Probably never to get around to them, so I'll ponder any offers...

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