
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 27, 2018

A Coin! My Kickstarter for a Coin!

When I first learned about Kickstarter, my first thought was, "Cool!  I can throw five bucks at a designer to produce an awesome book, and once it's made I can pick it up at the FLGS!"   I didn't totally understand the "Pre-Order" mentality that many companies use the service for.

While I have participated in a ton of Kickstarters for the rewards, I've also pledged between $1 and $5 towards 26 different campaigns.  Some I truly believe in the process, even if I can't afford a full pledge (or even want the item personally).  For other campaigns, that $1 is the cost of front row seat for me to watch certain campaigns that were cool, but I knew were doom to chaos or utter failure from the start (Invincible Overlord and Horrors of War, I'm looking at you two).

While I'm one of two people I know who love the Prince Valiant RPG, I couldn't justify pledging for a pdf I wouldn't read, or a book I would never use.  They did offer a $5 pledge level of a custom made Prince Valiant coin, which felt right.

The project was already very quiet before campaign creator Stewart Wieck passed away unexpectedly, and despite the shock of the Talislanta: The Savage Land (also Wieck) pdf getting sent to me, I couldn't foresee getting the measly trinket in the mail.

But last week, it finally arrived, in double padded envelopes, no less!

A nice coin.  I just don't want to know how much it cost to create, pack, and ship.   I am happy the oldest Kickstarter I pledged an actual reward level to is the Reaper Bones 4.  Of my buck pledges, the City-State of the Invincible Overlord is the latest (December 2014 ship date), followed by Horrors of War (February 2015).

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