
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, July 30, 2018

Mepacon Fall 2018 Events

With my potential Fall-In! events out in the open, it would be smart to start thinking about games to run at the Fall 2018 Mepacon, November 16-18, in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  I have a little more time that the draconian HMGS deadlines, especially since the website hasn't been updated past the Fall convention dates, much less registration.

The theme of the Fall con is Underwater Adventures, and I figure a similar game structure to what I've done in recent cons should continue to bolster the kid's track. 

My Little Sea Pony - My Little Pony in two hour slots is either a rollicking good time or an empty table.  I just did a quick Google search for "My Little Pony Underwater" before typing this, and apparently, it's a thing, although it varies from seahorses, to pony mermaids, to Pinkie Pie in Scuba gear.  I fear more research is necessary, but the potential is limitless.

My Little Pony - The Adventure Continues - As much as a theme game might work, and as much as I enjoyed the one Power Pony game that occurred at the Spring con, some of the players enjoy the concept of bringing their characters back to the table each con.

The Octonauts - A secret dream project from when the kids were little, If I can play around with the Scavengers space RPG, I think I have a good vehicle for one or two "episodes" per two hour session, and allow all the characters to shine.
Call of Cthulhu - Any scenario in a submarine - Perhaps a 3-4 hour grown-up scenario Friday night will cleanse my palette (Don't worry, I'll still run a kids game Friday afternoon before the pasta dinner.)

Other - Requests and suggestions can be left in the comments below.

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