
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 16, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 Day 16: Describe My Plans for My Next Game

Day 16 of #RPGaDay does not help those who try to finish these up before the August 1st launch:

"Describe My Plans for My Next Game"

Vague enough to ask for clarification.  Is this as a player?  As a GM?  Is this "next game" as next session for next campaign?

(PLAYER) 5e D&D Online Game.  Falgor the Mighty has tagged around with this group of adventurers with ulterior motives and plotlines, traveled to other dimensions, and might be trying to save the world.  But all the poor elf barbarian has wanted is a legitimate target to rage on... followed by a nice nap. Stuck in some odd gravity dimension with skyships, Falgor's developed a love-hate relationship with giant locust-esque creatures that overwhelm the realm.

Falgor's getting antzy
(GM - Next Session with the Guys) Basic D&D Adventures in Gulluvia.  The party got their butts handed to them, and had a falling out with the craven wizard in the group.  But things have been smoothed over and with ex-caravan guards Leroy and Jenkins, they plan on re-entering the ancient temple which is home to fire-breathing dog-boys (kobolds!)
I might be a little behind on all the Goodman Games offerings.
(GM - Next Session with the Kids) The Pulp Egypt game has been a lot of bad guy vs bad guy action this season.  With the next episode, we travel to where the old heroes are relaxing.  One known for peaceful landscapes and ninjas:  Sweden!

(GM - Next Campaign) I've run two filler Call of Cthulhu online sessions that involved 90's Canadian college students uncovering strange occurrences in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.  I've already "replaced" one student, schooled younger players on the sizes of floppy disks, and demonstrated the escalated military preparedness of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  We had a few cancellations of the 5e Online Game this time last year, so I could possibly fill in some more sessions of my "Curse of Nevoz" campaign.

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