
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 23, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 Day 23: Which Game Do I Wish to Play Again?

We inch closer and closer to the completion of #RPGaDay!

Day #23 - "Which Game Do I Wish to Play Again?"

RECON by Palladium Games (Deluxe Revised Recon, technically)

Yes, I've gone on about needing to play Call of Cthulhu and Hackmaster in previous posts, but when I go through the archive of games I've played (yes, I have one), the one thing that shot off like a rocket was this RPG set primarily in the Vietnam War.

At it's heart, Recon is still a wargame (the original wargaming rules used in the 1st Edition are still included in this latest printing.)   Skills are limited to what the US Military could train you in, and there's very little room for character "fluff". Outside the traditional Palladium alignment system, the non-Megaverse rules system is quite unforgiving to a bunch of civilian players who think their soldiers and Marines who just landed in 'Nam are unstoppable war machines.

The last time I had the chance to play Recon was running an African bush campaign almost 25 years ago.  Getting out of the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam actually allowed for (slightly) more survivable play with non-military players and actually begged for a bit more on the social skill bracket. 

It would be fun to try that out again...  and maybe give me an excuse to grab some of 28mm Vietnam or Rhodesian figures from Eureka Miniatures. 

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