
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 25, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 Day 25: Name an RPG That Impacted Me Last Year

We are officially on the last week of #RPGaDay, and I'm taking today's questions, twisting it around, and making shameless plugs for some of my Actual Plays.

"Name an RPG That Impacted Me Last Year"

I've already mentioned my love for Risus, my infatuation with Star Wars: Edge of the Empire and Apocalypse World hacks, my 5e online game of which I'm a *gasp* player, and even My Little Pony, but nothing has tweaked my work on the blog and future considerations more that 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

*Warning* Lots of shameless links to previous projects lay ahead.*Warning*

Almost a year and a half ago, my college roommate Steve arrived at a gaming session with an unusual long-lost artifact:  the player journal for my 2nd Edition AD&D campaign I ran in college over 1999-2000.

Now, I had nearly perfected the player journal years later in my two Hackmaster campaigns, The Journey of Mutumbo and The Buring Trogs Rule! and I enjoy the write-ups in my more current Call of Cthulhu campaign, but the idea of writing up anything prior to those was lost in the aether.  Seventeen years separated the end of the campaign and modern day, and the player's journal was rife with omissions, plus the journal itself ended prior to a quest to White Plume Mountain for the weapons needed to prevent Armageddon.

It's been a arduous project, keeping track of up to a dozen PCs, tons of "camp followers," plus the regular cast of NPCs, all the while rattling former players brains for any memories that were missing from the journal or my memory.

This past Tuesday, the main storyline of the campaign, Ballad of the Pigeon God, reached it's climax with episode #72 "Ascension."    There are four more weekly episodes after that covering clean-up, analysis, an index of characters, and even a  "Where are they Now" episode.  After that, my Tuesdays are open for posting as of October.

Or maybe not.

As Cthulhu is on a long hiatus, I'm not running anything of great substance.  I do have a few sessions of my Adventures in Gulluvia BECMI D&D game under my belt, but I'd like some more sessions (and a more consistent schedule) before posting those.

So, I'm reaching back well into the past and am creating a bit of an Actual Play/Prose series, covering the adventures I ran in my homebrew World of Georic ever since a drunken warrior, stupid ranger, busty mage, and know-it-all elf  first wandered down the streets of Hommlet in June of 1990.. still using 1st Edition AD&D (for a few sessions).
My memory from an extra decade ago is even more shady than the Pigeon God, so I'm enlisting the help of a certain Elsderth Millbottom to send correspondence to the Viscount of Verbobonc, detailing his journeys and uncanny knack to arrive in areas the old PCs had left some undetermined time ago.

After a bit more research, The Lost Dispatches of Feraso should allow me to solidify my original campaign adventures and tighten up the politics and geography of Ras-Prythax.  It will also allow me to go into further games: the ones I ran during Basic Training in the army, the campaigns I ran to teach kids D&D for the game store I worked at, and of course, the game I ran with a group of high school friends and army buddies that forged the background for the Kingdom of Crosedes and Village of Eding that focused so prominently in the Pigeon God.

There are a ton of projects that could delay the October premiere of Lost Dispatches, but when this project is complete, I should have 15 years of fantasy role-playing chronicled on my blog, with work to begin on Gulluvia and possibly an extended Burning Trogs Redux, covering the remaining 10 years of campaigns (real time) as the timeline keeps going.  

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