
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 27, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 Day 27: Share a Great Stream/Actual Play

Getting back to likes/dislikes and less theory with Day 27 of #RPGaDay:  "Share a Great Stream/Actual Play"

I know most people will select a few hugely popular games, but I'll defer to just a wildly popular one: The Campaign Podcast
Kat Kuhl leads a zany cast of characters through Fantasy Flight's Star Wars Edge of the Empire. Bacta, Leenik, Tryst, and the rest of the crew of the Mynock traverse the galaxy in a way that would give George Lucas a stroke.

In other words, just like every other group in a Star Wars RPG.

There are 99 episodes available, plus tons of bonus podcasts. Plus don't forget the Star Wars d20 episodes over at the One Shot Podcast (starting with episode #25) set the tone for the FFG.

The biggest compliment I can give to this actual play? Thanks to them mucking around learning the the FFG rules, I now own a copy of the game plus the funky dice you need to play.  If it wasn't for them, I would still ignorantly mock the system.

Yes, Kat has left the network, and I'm confident James and the revised crew will do well with their new campaign, but the episodes on file are worth a listen through (or in my case finishing up a third listen-though.)

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