
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, September 20, 2018

(Kickstarter) Harbor Town by Miniature Building Authority

Miniature Building Authority opens up another product line, and a dozen subsequently themed games at HMGS cons with the Harbor Town Kickstarter.

There's some awesome terrain and accessories in this Kickstarter, and the prices seemed to be out of my budget, but confirming the add-on sections for piecemeal items or stuff from the current catalog made me shudder.
Maybe it's the Mandela, but the last time I saw these were available, I don't think it was fifty bucks for three of them.  Correction:  Last time I made a shopping list they were twenty bucks each.  Ouch!

And I certainly don't remember the Customs House costing this much (That would have been grounds for divorce years ago).
Still doesn't mean I'm not drooling at the rest of the Spanish Main set.... Just means I need more overtime.

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