
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #2 - Meet Elsderth Millbottom

Elsderth Millbottom of Feldkurton
5th child and 3rd son of one of the millers of Feldkurton

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 12
Charisma 9
Comeliness: 16

Hit Points: 4
Skills:  Literacy (18) Botany (17)  Riding Land-Based (14)
Disadvantages: Racist (Elves), Growing Prematurely Gray.

DM Notes: If we're going to have these adventures narrated through a third party, it makes sense to have him statted up.  Second edition stats (with Comeliness).  All-in-all, Elsderth is pretty decent for a scribe, high INT, fairly nimble from dodging all those inkwells back at the Baron's place, and despite minimal people skills, he cleans up nicely, even if the premature gray makes him look older than his early to mid-20's.

You also might notice there is no mention of a character class.  He's a normal human, at least to start, and will experience the aftereffects of the world of adventuring with that disadvantage.  We may see updates for him as the letters continue.

Speaking of disadvantage, his racial enmity towards elves isn't uncommon in Verbobonc, as the myth of elves betraying the humans of the Ferasean Empire not once, but twice, does bear a strong streak of truth to it.  It will also play a role in the stories he is relaying third-hand to the Viscount.

Next: #3 - The Toll of Travel

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