
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, October 1, 2018

Next Year's Projects for 2018-2019

Like clockwork, my followers know that October 1st is the first day in my gaming calendar. It's time to assemble a rough framework of plans and projections for the next twelve months (Oct 2018 - Sep 2019).

I'm not going too crazy this year (I hope)...

Gnome Wars:  It was originally a Gnome Wars blog, but real life takes over, and this blog takes over all of my real life.   There are new articles to write in the pipeline, and a pile of Brigade Games lead to paint.  I just need more than holiday games to use them.

Lost Dispatches of Feraso... and Beyond:  With the Ballad of the Pigeon God complete, I'm slowly going further back into my homebrew campaign world of Georic and covering the original 1st edition games I ran in high school, filling in the gaps between them and the college that became the Pigeon God.  I won't guarantee weekly entries on Tuesdays, and they will be written in the form of dispatches of a new character, Elsderth Millbottom, has he travels the Kingdom of Ras-Prythax to enlighten the Viscount of Verbobonc on the news and gossip of the common folk.

After that completes its run, I've got a bunch of Adventures in Gulluvia already finished.  We might even take a break over Christmas and see something from our CoC: Medicine Hat College games.

My Girls:
The lack of time to have "Dad have" is already waning... here's what I'd like to see. 
  • Helping me playtest My Little Ponies for Mepacon
  • Helping me playtest Scavengers for my Mepacon "Octonauts" game
  • Finishing out the Savage Worlds/Showdown "Pulp" game
  • Playing a few more games of Magic with Maja.
  • Back to basic painting that doesn't involve glitter or slime.
Everything else is gravy.

5e D&D: Monday nights is for gaming, and 5e is the king until further notice

More on Roll20:  I was doing well with the initial foray into Roll20.  When my adventures in Gulluvia game didn't fill in a cancellation, the Risus IOU game did, and now Medicine Hat.  Getting a second regularly scheduled game NOT on Mondays would be great.    

Face-to-Face:  If we don't do face to face Gulluvia D&D, let's return to Call of Cthulhu.  1926 is such an interesting year....

The Pipe Dreams:   Hackmaster on Roll20, more Samoa games, and a return to Mousageddon.  All doubtful, but I see their notes everytime I log into Blogger.

Conventions:  Partial Weekends at Fall-In!, Cold Wars, and both Mepacons (the hard life of hockey season tickets).  Wouldn't mind another day trip to Historicon, or something within driving distance.  

  1. Gnomes, Gnomes, Gnomes:  I've got them, they should be painted.  I'll be alternating large projects between gnomes and whatever I'm working on.
  2. The Armies of Transnitria:  Basing all my sci-fi painting (OGRE, Space Dwarves) of a version of the Soviet pseudo-nation, means I'll need to keep well stock in Green.
Purchase:  The Want List needs more of a purge than a shopping spree. A few other things stand out for the possible "next step" of my Pulp gaming. 
  1. My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria.  Still going down this route.  
  2. Revisco:  Bulk purchases for Askari's German Seabattalion, and Russian, and Schutztruppe. 
  3. A river gun boat.  MBA, a model kit, doesn't matter.  

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