
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Isle of Dread Lives! But the Cost of Living Has Gone Up!

Goodman Games has opened the second in their Original Adventures Reincarnated Series.  The first offered B1: In Search of Adventure and B2: Keep on the Borderlands together in a single hardcover.

This time their offering is the wilderness classic: The Isle of Dread

Not being too familiar with this licensing agreement with WotC, I checked out OAR #1 and was very nostalgic and quite unsettled.

The B1/B2 effort offered reprints of the original modules in the book (which they erroneously call "1e") while offering some new adventure material and a conversion to 5e.

I'm assuming X1 will provide the same material, some added bonuses, and a 5e conversion.

All in a harcover book.... for fifty bucks.

Isle of Dread: the module so plentiful, mail order operations offered copies of the module for negative five cents.  Yep, you add the module to your order and deduct five cents from the total due.

Considering the number of copies I've owned over the years (and still own) and the fact that I value my time prepping for a 5e game to be negligible, I'm certainly going to pass on this one.

Perhaps I'd add it to my "Money (and Sense) Is No Object" Want List whenever it gets solicited for my Apathy of the New Releases monthly post.  

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