
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, November 8, 2018

It's Was a Long Freakin' October...and November is at Light Speed

An update is due, so here goes...

My mother-in-law passed away October 28th, after a short stay in hospice.  It had been expected eventually, yet we had been blessed with a LOT of borrowed time with all her health issues.  As mother-in-laws go, she definitely defied stereotypes with me and never questioned my hobbies, so I'm eternally grateful for that.

Throw in all the funeral planning, basketball camps, birthday parties, weekend car repairs, Halloween, and one day with decent weather to do yard work, and I haven't had much time to be selfish and get convention/game stuff done.  In fact, I only got to join into my 5e online game the last two Mondays, because everyone else was passed out. 

However, after this Monday's game, I finally began to assemble things for my Fall-In! game.   The whole Battle in a Box concept appears not to work, rather a TWO Boxes for a Battle appear to be doable.  Palm trees have suffered a LOT of wear and tear over the years and have been touched up and resealed, and while a few Samoan melee troops are missing weapons, a good number of them are reattached, along with their shields. 

My copy of Contemptible Little Armies is still missing, so a quick download from Brigade Games netted me the pdf copy, printed out and ready to go.  I only have to touch up the hills I'm using, a few extras printouts and unit cards, and oh yeah, snag up a new drop cloth and felt for the table. 

I may have also snagged the last hotel room under $200 within 5 miles of the convention site.   I might pack Lysol and bug spray to be safe, but truth be told, my daughter and I will only use it for sleep and right back to the con. 

And once Fall-In is over, I jump immediately into My Little Pony/Octonauts mode for Mepacon.  On top of that, the kids' basketball seasons start that weekend, so I'm 100% certain to bail on the sole Saturday afternoon game

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