
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #6 - Runholf the Dandy

Town of Dremman, Province of Marholm, Wyrmnal

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

If you are in receipt of this letter, let it be proof that I am not quite executed.

Myself and the other five members of Herr Grassl's merchant company were escorted to the great hall of Jarl Runholf of Marholm.  The two teamsters, of whom I never got their names, were brought in front of the jarl and sentenced to twenty lashes each.  Harbash, the instigator and murderer, was sentence to death by being drawn and quartered the following morning.

Then it was my turn.

The viking guard pulled me into the main hall, and there I stood against the Jarl.  Yet, he didn't look like a Jarl.  Indeed, he didn't look like any of his warriors.

His nickname "The Dandy" was well earned.
Runholf of Marholm
After interrogating me regarding my relations, business and otherwise, with Herr Grassl, I believe he noticed something different about me compared to the other five.  He inquired as to my qualifications, and I apologize to My Lord, but I said I was the head scribe of the Viscount of Verbobonc, on a much too adventurous holiday.

You title may have slightly impressed him, but the idea he had a learned man from Verbobonc in his presence changed his demeanor instantly.

I will say that he completely forgot about Dar and Hardox.

I was granted full audience with the Jarl and he and I exchange knowledge and stories.  I thought it was some dangerous competition at first, but I soon realized that Runholf simply wanted to talk to educated people, and despite the stereotypes, those stereotypes have a grain of truth to them.

I've obtained much more information on the country than any of our cyclopedias or badly written runes have provided me.

First off, their religion isn't the North Mythology, but rather pronounced Norse.  There is a full pantheon of gods, beasts, and beings, although many commoners enjoy their God of Thunder, Thor, the crudest and obviously most overpowered deity of them all.    Like a fine mushroom for the masses, these hard-fighting, hard-partying gods distract most folk from the problems living in a largely lawless society.

Runholf laughed at me when I humbly mentioned my surprise to Wrymnal's advanced culture and civilization.

It's not as if the trade goods of Ras-Prythax were unwelcome, rather only people with the Blood of the Wrym are worthy of protection.  There is no concern for the care of curs (re: foreigners).

And yes, I may have spewed a mead out of my mouth when he used those exact word.

"However," he followed, "we would be fools not to take advantage of those of who appreciate the customs and traditions, We've made a foreign merchant rich, and we've made a spot for many soul with an adventuresome spirit.  They are never truly one of us, but their offspring and further progeny have the blood of the Wyrmn coursing through their veins."

Dremman had more dwarves in it that any town I had visited.  Runholf had invited many of them to settle in Marholm to work their superior forges.  " They are not the type to crush flagons and skulls."

When inquiring about Halflings:  "Not too common. Horrible sailors, too cold, too wet. Although, in the bleakest part of winter, I question why my ancestors stayed here."

The gnomes are only brought in by the dwarves for finer technical work.  "They have smaller fingers."

There are elves.  The elves have always been there, and not always the traitorous scum that betrayed us.

The jarl added, " We don't hate them like you do because, they've never screwed us over as a group or clan.  If they've tried anything, we can handle it.  Usually, they are the ones that pick fights with foreign merchants."

"Of course did have one elf arrive recently.  We still aren't sure if he's a hero, or a worse, a plunderer, or the the worst warlord on the seas."

"His name was ..... Talanth Blackash"

GM Notes:  And finally, after six episodes, its time to tell of the tales of Talanth Blackash and his companions.   Of course, it's a viking jarl half-drunk on mead telling the tale...

*Long-term spoilers* The Wyrmnal citizenship process begs the question in the future who a certain Rurik parents actually were and how long ago did the family earn their full bonding with the Wyrmn.

Next: #7 - Treasure Hunt

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