
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

My Spoils from Fall-In!

I normally end my Fall-In! AAR with a quick snap of all the stuff I acquired over the weekend.  Unfortunately, life is more insane than normal.  To be honest, last night was the first time everything was in one spot at the same time (One of the books defied physics and ended up underneath the passenger seat of my car... Huzzah!)

I defied the gigantic Dealer Hall want lists I normally assemble and never fulfill for most cons with two simple goals. 

While I was at the Recreational Conflict booth I also picked the main card deck for Pulp Alley.  We might transition away from Savage World/Showdown, and some of the most enjoyable AARs have used Pulp Alley.  I figure a few test games are in order before I by more books/cards/figures from the line. 

My final purchase of the con was back in the dealer's hall for a copy of Back of Beyond for Contemptible Little Armies. Simply fantastic stuff, highly recommended.

Maja's Haul
  • Dead Horse (Black Powder - Historicon 2016 Giveaway)
  • A Porpoise - she bought this intentionally to fight the Flash.
  • The Flash heroclix
  • Bag o' Plastic Spiders
  • A free Penguin bag from the Wargaming Company
  • Two 54mm plastic dudes, Maja told me they were free, but I don't remember where.
  • 13 Plastic 40K Imperial Guard. I already had a twenty out to pay when the gentlemen at the flea market said something like "Girls need to play more games, it's yours."  As a token of gratitude I perused some similar purchases at his table and came away with a great deal for...
The rest of my stuff
  • 40 Plastic 40K Space Marines - Mostly stock marines or Grey Wolves
  • 16 Metal 40K minis.  Beakey Assault Marines?  A Sanguinary Priest?  More miscellaneous Grey Wolves?  Definitely characters for a sci-fi RPG

  • Arab Revolt Camels
  • Macho Women with Guns 3rd Edition
  • MWWG: More Excuses to Kill Things
  • Castle Falkenstein

And of course the cool drawstring bags (I can walk around with Lenin on my back!) with the laser pointer pens.

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