
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 30, 2018

The End is Nigh!

As the kids used to say, it's a little cray-cray out there. 

I'm wrapping up the last days of our busy season at work, even if it's felling like the last days of Pompeii sometimes.  It's either 11-hour days or running out early to catch the kids' games for the evening.  I'd like to sit at my desk at work unmolested or sit at home unmolested.

I've traded kids active with travelling gymnastics with kids overactive with basketball.  Five out of seven days a week have something basketball related going on, and when dance finishes this weekend with a recital, it will move up to six!

Maja is on THREE teams, Millie is on two, and thankfully they play together on one of them. 
Back in February I was complaining about the number of posts lingering in the back end, between posts scheduled to be published, and a big pile of ideas, stolen AARs, and placeholder posts.  The scheduled posts vary between finished projects getting spread out and filler holiday posts (some holidays are set up for the next decade... most gnome-themed), so I'll never get down to 0 for them (35 might be a workable total... someday).

There were 368 posts behind the scenes back there.  I tried for a few weeks and managed to get the list down to a completely arbitrary 350. 

And that is now a distant memory.

Between the crazy schedules, weather, and general exhaustion, it has not been productive to game or paint, and the backlog is creating an accordion effect, where posts compress together, and I spend time reviewing things and manually moving them to a longer schedule. 

Of course, the last time I did this around project 350, I moved all the "LATER" posts to the first week of January.  I just finished playing the accordion again, I spread out projects even further.

Speaking of projects, I actually got paint on figures this week.  The basements relatively dry, a  full pump system is ordered, and some dark orange has been put on my "Martian Spider Riders."   I know what needs to be done for the next few games, but I'll take anything just to break the rust off the painting machine.

One of the cats has commandeered my bench as a safe haven for sleeping, and has used all the newspaper laid down as a scratching post.  Thank goodness, she hasn't left any presents. 

November, role-playing-wise was pretty good.   I got to play classic D&D (Castles & Crusades), modern D&D (5e), Call of Cthulhu, and Illuminati University, and that's with my disaster of events  at Mepacon.

Blog promises for the holiday?  Try more hopes and dreams. 

1) Monday Night Online Gaming- Don't tell my DM, but if a session isn't in my wheelhouse, I might be working on the blog.   When it is firing all cylinders, I'm a happy guy, and when the game's cancelled, things default to me as a GM.  I've got THREE ongoing filler campaigns (CoC, IOU, and Red Box D&D), but like last Fall, the sudden sweep of cancellations has wiped out my ready-to-run material.

2) Pulp Gaming/Pulp Alley - The child-renowned "Egypt Game" has been stalled since the Summer, the next sessions are pretty easy to run, but I just need the time for set-up.   Best yet, the demented part of me really wants to throw a wrench in the works with a few test games of Pulp Alley.   Another part of me would loooove to have the next three sessions done before New Year's Weekend.  We should have a new sinks, new floors, and new furniture right before Christmas, so a big Clue-like board for episode #3.8 would look awfully classy.

3) Lost Dispatches - Outside of my Fall-In! AAR and the lovable write-up for Gritty, the Lost Dispatches of Feraso episodes are some of the more popular posts in recent memory.  The prose style isn't going to win any awards, but six of my top ten posts since October 1st are Lost Dispatches.  The good news is that they come back to Tuesdays 1/18/2019.   The next three are written up, and I purchased some legit "research material" to write up February's entries.  Of course, I'm dealing with dungeons, and there's a logical progression I have to go through to see how the inhabitants reacted to the old D&D group and the Elsderth's group, post-attack.  NOT something I can sneak into a Monday night online session that isn't tickling my fancy. 

To be honest, I'm enjoying myself building up the Kingdom of Ras-Prythax in a dormant campaign than I did 25+ plus years ago.

4) Holiday Game - It might be unpainted, or block painted at least, but I need a big Gnome Wars game to end the year. 

5) Painting - Oh, this would be a treat.  Martian Spiders, Fita-Fita, and getting the kids to hold a brush would be great accomplishments before the holidays kick in.  Thoughts and Prayers appreciated.

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