
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Post-Holiday Status Report

Regular readers of the blog that I can be a bit disheveled at times between our family life, kids' sports, and the never-ending barrage of hockey games we go to.

We decided to up the ante and include "remodel the downstairs" on our list.

The week before Christmas.

Now I love my wife, but the last 10 days or so have been mind-numbing.
Kitchen plumbing done by professionals, the entire downstairs floor getting ripped up and replaced in four days, two separate furniture deliveries, and TV shopping on top of the normal holiday itinerary chaos almost pushed us over the edge.  Thanks to some of the kids activities getting cancelled, we managed to push on and celebrate Christmas Eve and Day with little issue.
New flooring, new couch, even new tree....
Of course, we're painting after the New Year, so we're starting off the year where we left the last....

No great holiday gaming swag for me.  I figured power recliners, comfy chairs, and my eldest getting an XBox was good enough for me.  So after the dust settled, there are two gifts of great note to the blog:

This sweatshirt:

Second was a nice haul of the usual beers (my wife enjoys me when I drink Mad Elf.  I might be happy for weeks!) but the winner for the most interesting beer was Trooper Beer, the Iron Maiden beer, brewed by Robinsons Brewery.
My sister got me a four-pack of cans and I found it surprisingly mellow.  Pleasant first sip, zero aftertaste, and my wife thought she detected hint of honey.  Despite a madhouse all day long, I slowly sipped on this for the better part of the late afternoon.

One random note:  The latest Barbie Dream House is far bigger than its predecessors, and at least ours came in a well-labelled shipping box with no interior "store" box.  Through in all my tables at home were still covered with things from the great debacle, let's just say that Christmas Eve was exciting.  I have began to think of some GI Joe scenario using 12-inch figures and rows of these home as a condo development would be totally awesome.
No major excitement on the gaming front.  A busy three-day work week full of deadlines and some hockey games will continue to deny me any motivation to do more than hide away for a half hour.   I picture my Apathy column and some New Years Eve fun will be all left for this blog in 2018.

Outside of that, I plan on making an order to Reviresco/ for some Colonials and a much desired River Gunboat.

And a second XBox controller so Maja and I can duke it out!

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