
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Apathy of the New Releases (Feb '19)

Issue #228 of Game Trade Magazine is now available in pdf (print copies should be arriving at your FLGS soon).  Like a lot of months, there's so many new solicitations, but nothing particularly sings to the old game store manager in me.  However, I'm amazed to say I fond multiple items to put in my "Must Have" and "If I Can Find the Cash" lists, and that's an improvement over many months.

ViscountEric's Want List
Reaper Miniatures
Drangus, Duckman Warrior .............................................. $9.29
It's not the prize of a new Noise Marine, so I guess $9+ for a metal fig is alright.
Poppy Cloverlocks, Halfling Barmaid ..................... $ 6.99
And if I get one, I might as well get two....

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Khepera Publishing 
Atlantis RPG:  Pirate Queens of Sheba ............................. $12.99
This looks too intriguing not to take an active look-see...

Steve Jackson Games
The Fantasy Trip: Melee & Wizard ................................... $24.95
With the recent Kickstarter for the other SJG Pocket Boxes, I should start with this one.

The Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List
9th Level Games
Tragedies of Middle School .................................................. $24.99

Alderac Entertainment Group
Istanbul: Big Box .......................................................... $69.99
Smash Up: World Tour - International Incident ........... $24.99
Tiny Towns ................................................................... $39.99

Evil Hat Productions 
Fate Core RPG:  Shadow of the Century HC ................ $25.00

Fantasy Flight Games
Legend of the Five Rings RPG:  Mask of the Oni ................. $19.95
Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Across the Burning Sands ... $14.95
Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Shadowlands HC ................  $39.95
Star Wars: Legion - Director Orson Krennic Expansion ........ $12.95
Star Wars: Legion - Legion Game Mats ................................. PI
(Hoth, Jakku, Sullust)
Star Wars: Legion - Imperial Death Troopers Unit ................. $24.95
Star Wars: Legion - Jyn Erso Expansion ................................. $12.95
Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Pathfinders Unit ............................ $24.95

Games Workshop
Chaos Space Marine Noise Marine ........................................ $35.00
Realm of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture ................................... $160.00

Khepera Publishing 
Mythic d6: Adventure Anthology One .................................. $24.95

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arena of Lost Souls Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Infinity Chasers Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Power Box ................................................. $29.99

Looney Labs
Time Breaker ....................................................................... $25.00

Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder RPG - AP - The Tyrant's Grasp 3 - Last Watch ........ $24.99
Pathfinder RPG - Campaign - Concordance of Rivals .............. $19.99
Pathfinder RPG - Flip Tiles -  Dungeon Vault Exp ................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG - Flip Mat Classics - Deep Forest .................... $13.99
Starfinder RPG -  Beginner Box ................................................ $39.99
Starfinder RPG - AP Dawn of Flame 3 - Sun Divided .............  $22.99
Starfinder RPG - Pawns - Signal of Screams Collection .......... $19.99

Steve Jackson Games
The Fantasy Trip:  Legacy Edition ............................................ $119.95
The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin - Complete Ed ............. $ 24.95

Troll Lord Games
5th Edition Adventures - S1 - Lure of Delusion ....................... $11.99

WizKids Deep Cuts - Unpainted - Townspeople and Accessories .. $59.99

Lovecraft Letter - A Love Letter Game .......................................... $29.99
Love Letter Premium Edition ......................................................... $29.99
Love Letter Bag (Clamshell) .......................................................... $ 9.99
Love Letter Box .............................................................................. $ 9.99

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