
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #10 - Thendara Wandsregal

Dolksford, Free Barony of Illefarn, Wyrmnal

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

This infernal elf!  I've arrived at yet another village, and I encounter, yet again, stories of this creature and his cohort, like an old hunting dog catching a whiff of a distant memory.

Talanth Blackash and his newest companions, a permanently inebriated man-at-arms, and a near moron of a ranger, where actually residents of Dolksford why I practiced my two weeks of solitude and self-reflection incognito!

It appears they too had been harangued into joining the militia, actually saving the life the of Baron Melfarm's older sister, Bronja, from lizardmen living in at the mouth of the Delimbra River.  Unfortunately for them, it was a few moments before Lord Agwain, her unrequited suitor, arrived with his own henchmen.

We weren't as dramatic with my search party, but my portion of the militia was unlucky enough to find the body of Lord Agwain, riddled with stab marks and a few wounds in places unbecoming of a man of his station.

There are conflicting stories from the other militia members, but I can focus things to one point.   The young Lord was certainly not one to act as a good lord, his attempts to woo the older Lady Bronja was never returned in any form.

And while I refuse to connect the clues and conjecture to make such claims, some of the more wild-eyed villagers have accused the marsh-loving Agwain of recruiting a kidnapping to stage a rescue!  Using the other tales of this man, I find little proof to believe he could even plot such a thing!

Nevertheless, the incidence at the swamp made Talanth and Agwain enemies, and I could imagine the two meeting while traveling down the coastal road, and Talanth and his cronies waylaying the noble, out of spite or justice, no one knows.

The possible of murder of Lord Agwain did not lay on the minds of the citizenry of Illefarn, for it was discovered that Talanth committed a far worse offense: either kidnapping or convicing Thendara, the daughter of the Baronial Wizard, to leave with them, and quite possibly plot the Lord's demise!

Thendara Wandsregal was the only daughter of acclaimed wizard Guy du Wandsregal, who had apprenticed with the Imperial Wizard of Ras-Prythax, Reznik Maximillian.   Unlike her father, who enjoy his position and those of a similar station, Thendara was known to frequent every establishment in the Barony.  Her buxom figure and good looks hid quite a bold confidence and competence in magic-using from an early age.  Again, it's mere conjecture, but I could imagine she may have had an unfortunate encounter with Lord Agwain, and the elf easily swayed her to help them kill him.
For now, I shall stay in Dolksford and take advantage of the training for my own survival outside the walls.

Your loyal servant,

Elsderth Greyhawk, sellsword and warrior-sage, member of the Dolksford Militia.

GM Notes:  Pretty early on in my DMing career, I kept running into the scenario  where the players/characters didn't jive the material, and I was forced to realize we needed to cut things short.  This is one of those cases.   I clearly remember getting through at least two of the vignettes in module N5: Under Illefarn, but we never did get to the final (and major) adventure.  The PCs decided to move on and not be kept oppressed by the local milita.  The horror.  

One day, one day I say, I will run the underground lair.  For now, I'll use my drive for continuity and live through Elsderth's company exploring it in letter form.  

The background of the final member of the core four, the "Busty Mage" Thendara was made to fit the new campaign world, but it closely resembles the play style of the character.  Book-smart, assertive, and could party the other three under the table.  The buxom portion was the focus of the other players when her player, George, tried to use late-80's artwork to describe her.  

Next:  #11 -  The Order of Merit

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