
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 11, 2019

Tearing Down the Walls

Today's the last day in my old office building.  I could go onto a rant about moving out of the downtown and into a "corporate office park" with worse traffic, worse food, and worst of all, an office layout that's the exact opposite of what was requested for my team... but I don't have to fight the good fight until Monday.

What I do have to do is finish packing up the wonderful office/cubicle hybrid I've called home for seven years.  The heavy stuff is already packed up and shipped over to the new site, but I've stalled in taking down "The Wall to Dad," chock full of artwork and projects since I started. 

Having two kids go through daycare, plus a number of weekends where they seized an empty cubicle and started making art projects, I've had a steady stream.  And while nothing really surprised me as s I started taking things down this morning,  just the imaginative ideas/schemes/themes on some of the papers reminds me why running games in T.I.A.R.A. (Toddler Interactive Adventure Resulotion... Adventure!) RPG was so much fun. 
I may need to go through this pile of papers at home this weekend and see if I can mine it for more 90% fun 10% rules games we did long ago,and probably should have never stopped doing.

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