
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Cold Wars 2019 PEL is Up!

After very limited consternation and delay, the Preliminary Event List for Cold Wars is finally available.

A few quick thoughts before I list my usual  "ViscountEric Approved/Just Interested/Here's a Conversation Piece" events:

1)The H.A.W.K.S. are sponsoring the "Battle in a Box" contest that I tried to emulate with my Samoa game run back at Fall-In!  I have only selected the events that tickled my fancy, but it's a good showing of Game Masters and not everything is 15 mm of smaller. 

2) Speaking about games that tickle my fancy, there's not many true Historical games that piqued my interest.

3)  No Gnomes as of the initial PEL release (See comments below, this has been rectified).  Kids' sports schedules MIGHT be calming down, so I may run something as a late submission/paying GM if this isn't corrected. 

The whole list is available here.

F: 173: 09 - VSF Racing Through the Mountains
Friday, 9:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 10 players GM: Jon Lundberg, Sponsor: Brigade Games and West Wind Period: Victorian Science Fiction, Scale: 28mm, Rules: VSF Races
The races come to the mountains. What perils face the Victorian contraptions as they go though mountain passes?

F: 366: 09 - Wasteland 101: Nuclear Winter
Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Gregory Priebe, Sponsor: Period: Post-Apocalypse, Scale: 28mm, Rules: This is Not a Test
Learn to play the popular post-apocalyptic skirmish rules as you battle for survival in a blasted winter hellscape. Veteran and novice warlords are welcome, rules will be taught. Children under 14 are welcome with the participation of a playing adult

F: 111: 10 - BattleTech vs Star Wars, Part 1 of 3
Friday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Bob Swett, Sponsor: Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: AlphaStrike (Advanced) BattleMech's vs AT-AT and AT-ST's, conventional ground troops, tanks, AT-TE's, speeders, aerospace fighters, and more... In order to support its forever widening conquest of their galaxy, the Galactic Empire has leapfrogged far beyond and to the very edge of the BattleTech's rim. On the peaceful planet of Torado, the confrontation begins. (Part 1 is a different scenario than parts 2 and 3.)

F: 158: 11 - iSandlwana - Washing of the Spears
Friday, 11:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 10 players GM: Thomas Uhl, Sponsor: MapHoGS Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: The Men Who Would be Kings
The Battle of iSandlwana, (January 22, 1879) where over 22,000 Zulu warriors defeated a contingent of 1,350 British and Native troops in one of the first engagements of the Anglo-Zulu War. The British had over confidently marched into Zululand dividing their forces with little regard to their numerically superior foe. The Zulu's massed their warriors and concealed their advance until they were within striking distance. Once discovered, the Zulu's immediately launched into a fierce attack

F: 355: 13 - First Battle of the First Boer War (1880-81)
Friday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: David Wood, Sponsor: Period: 19th Century, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Combat Patrol (British Colonial Variant)
The trigger for the war came when a Boer named Piet refused to pay an illegally inflated tax. Government officials seized his wagon and attempted to auction it off, but armed Boers disrupted the auction, assaulted the presiding sheriff, and reclaimed the wagon. The first shots of the war were fired when this group fought back against government troops who were sent after them. In this fight, who will control the wagon at the end?

F: 376: 14 - High Himalayas
Friday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: David Cook, Sponsor: Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Astounding Tales! 1935.
The British Raj has learned Hitler is sending Gestapo agents on a secret mission into the forbidding Himalayas. Now it's up to a rag-tag band of British agents find these spies and stop their nefarious plan -- whatever it is! Join a romp in the mountains with spies, bandits, monks, adventurers, and maybe even yeti, oh my!

F: 372: 16 - Mein Panzer JR: Tanks vs Tanks 101
Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Kenny Noe, Sponsor: ODGW Period: World War II, Scale: various, Rules: Mein Panzer Jr.
Come play and learn Mein Panzer Jr.!! Great game for kids 6 years old and up!! This is a kids version of our popular Mein Panzer Core Rules system that is a tank skirmish level game. One tank represents one tank!! Mein Panzer Jr. will teach the basic game mechanics of Mein Panzer so once you get to hang of MP Jr. you can move up to the full complement of rules and excitement.

F: 377: 16 - Mein Zombie: Swimsuit Edition
Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Mike Trauger, Sponsor: Period: Zombie Apocolypse, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
Cold Wars gets hot! Top models have come to the Island of San Miguel for the annual Moto-Zoom magazine bikini photo shoot. The zombies have also arrived. Can the girls escape the island or will the zombies feast? Come play Mein Zombie, a fast fun game that's easy to learn. Rules taught. Beginners welcome.

F: 269: 18 - Fight until Nightfall: Assault at Aob! (German South-West Africa, 1905)
Friday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Roy Jones, Sponsor: Recreational Conflict Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)
As German infantry storms the Nama trench at Aob, the German horse holders and wagon drivers located far to the rear think they're safely out of the battle. But then Nama leader Jakob Morenga springs his trap, and overwhelming Nama forces assault the men, horses, oxen, and precious wagon supplies from the flank and from the rear. It's time for the horse holders and drivers to drop their reins, pick up their carbines, defend man and beast, and fight to survive until night falls.

F: 102: 19 - Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
Friday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Marc Garrett, Sponsor: The Acceptable Casualties Period: Ancients, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Sons of Mars
Gladiatorial combat in 1st century Rome. Secutors! Scissors! Murmillos! Thracians! Or are you a Slave? Find out if you have what it takes to survive in the arena in glorious 54mm scale. Two teams will face off in"Sons of Mars" fast-play gladiator rules. Each member of the winning team will take home a paperback copy of the rules. Watch out for lions.

F: 114: 20 - Star Wars Speeder Bikes
Friday, 8:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Richard Smethurst, Sponsor: Period: SciFi, Scale: Micro-Machine, Rules: Future Race variant
Rebel commandos engage Imperial Biker Scouts in deadly forest combat. Can your side overcome nature's hazards and auto cannon fire to win? Fast, easy, and deadly fun! Junior speeder bikers with adult wingman.

F: 181: 20 - Roman Chariot Race
Friday, 8:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12 players GM: William Chappell, Sponsor: Period: Ancients, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Roman Circus by Bryan DeWitt
Thrills, chills, and spills in the 1st Century equivalent of NASCAR, with attitude. Drive your chariot around a 12 foot track. Are you Ben Hur (Good)? or Messala (Bad)? There are no laws in the Hippodrome! See if you have what it takes to cross the finish line in your chariot. Only one person gets to wear the laurel wreath and walk away with the gold medal.

S: 232: 09 - Jousting (Battle in a box contest)
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Brian DeWitt, Sponsor: Period: Medieval, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Home
Late Medieval jousting tournament between knights & nobles. There shall be 3 rounds. At the signal, riders gallop toward each other on the right hand side of the dividing bar carrying only a lance & shield. You receive 1 point for breaking your lance on your opponent's chest or shield. You receive 2 points for breaking your lance on your opponent's helmet & 3 points for unhorsing your opponent, which ends the match.

S: 427: 09 - Escape the Death Star
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Jeffrey Hoffman, Sponsor: Period: SciFi, Scale: 30mm, Rules: Star Wars Minatures
A crazy old wizard, scruffy nerf herder, walking carpet, cocky kid and two loyal droids find themselves trapped inside the greatest weapon every devised by the Empire. Can this ragtag, but spirited bunch of adventurers rescue a princess, and escape the Death Star? Not if Jeff Vader, the Head of Catering, has anything to say about it. That kind of thing only happens in the movies.

S: 175: 10 - The Great Game - Jazz Age
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Jon Lundberg, Sponsor: Brigade Games Period: Inter-War, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Rugged Adventures
An Afghan village sits in a high mountain pass. Nominal control allows the powers to insert agents into the neighboring country. Soviets, Chinese, White Russians, British and even some mercenaries troop into the area, but the Afghans are not welcoming.

S: 399: 10 - Happy Hour at the Green Dragon Inn
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Nancy Ott, Sponsor: Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Modified Blood and Swash
There's only one dragon in Bywater and that's green! Half of Hobbiton has come to the Green Dragon Inn for the happy hour special. Gaffer Gamgee and his cronies are sitting at their usual table. Rosie Cotton is flirting with the blushing Sam Gamgee. Some Dwarves and even a few of the Big Folk have stopped by for the best beer in the Shire. The guy in a bright blue jacket and yellow boots started singing and everyone joined in. But why is Farmer Maggot chasing Merry and Pippin?

S: 287: 11 - The Last Kids on Earth
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 10 players GM: James Reynolds, Sponsor: Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
Since the monster apocalypse hit, 13yr-old Jack Sullivan has been living in a tree house that he armed with catapults and a moat, not to mention video games, Oreos and Mountain Dew scavenged from abandoned stores. Jack alone is no match for the hordes of Zombies, Winged Wretches, Vine Thingies and especially not for the eerily intelligent monster known as Blarg. So, he builds a team: his dorky best friend, Quint, the reformed school bully, Dirk; his pet monster, Rover and his crush, June.

S: 219: 13 - Sugar Rush (Battle in a Box Contest)
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Michael Kogelschatz, Sponsor: Period: Fantasy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Home
When the family walks away to go play in the park, the real fun begins. Fairies and bugs come out to battle for the leftovers of the picnic. Will you claim the sugariest treat or be overcome by a sugar rush.

S: 247: 13 - Picnic Panic Walk Up Demo (Kid Friendly)
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Ben Rubin, Sponsor: Period: Fantasy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Picnic Panic
Come try Picnic Panic, the game of ant warfare. Command a tribe of ants, each with its own unique abilities and advantages, as you wage war over a treasure trove of candy left by careless humans. Play as the noble firstborn,the strong horned ants, the undead black ants, or the hard fighting, hard partying nomants. Eat the candy you capture. Fast-play, easy to learn introduction to the hobby. Adults welcome with playing child. No ticket required.

S: 236: 14 - GI JOE - Assault on the Cobra Temple!
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 4 players GM: Jayson Gardner, Sponsor: AOH Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Modified Where Heroes Dare!
Intelligence has pin pointed the base of Cobra Operations in the mountains of Sierre Gordo. Players will control an insertion team of Joes as they work their way through this 1980's Pulp dungeon crawl style game.

S: 418: 15 - Plastic Pirates Produce Problems
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Geoff Graff, Sponsor: Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 40mm, Rules: Plastic Pirates
Once again those Lego looters slip the ship, jaunt through the jungle, visit the village, panic the population, shock the soldiers and irritate the islanders. Now doesn't that sound like fun?

S: 420: 15 - Samurai and Pirate Showdown
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Harry Kogelschatz, Sponsor: Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Blood and Swash
Pirates are invading a Samurai compound, who will win?

S: 207: 17 - Skirmish at Schlegel's Crossroad (Battle in a Box Contest)
Saturday, 5:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Eric Schlegel, Sponsor: Period: American Civil War, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Home
The Yanks and Rebs are advancing and both commanding generals have deemed it necessary to control Schlegel's Crossroad before the next phase of the campaign. Will it be aggression or patience that wins the day?

S: 160: 18 - Rorkes Drift - Death awaits you all 
Saturday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Thomas Uhl, Sponsor: MapHoGS Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: The Men Who Would be Kings
At 3:15 in the afternoon on January 22st 1879, word of the unimaginable disaster at iSandlwana earlier that day reached the outpost of Rorkes Drift. Lieutenants Chard and Bromhead immediately prepared defenses at Rorkes Drift using the buildings, rocky ledge, mealie bags and biscuit boxes to form a defensive perimeter. Zulu warriors, mainly of the Undi Corps, some 3-4,000 strong, missed the fighting at iSandlwana and were eager to wash their spears in blood and taste victory.

S: 235: 19 - Comic Book Battles: 204 Revolutionary War Soldiers only $1.98 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8 players GM: Howard Whitehouse, Sponsor: Period: American War for Independence, Scale: 30mm, Rules: A Gentleman's War
Remember those ads on the back of comic books? 'Rush coupon today!' You could get 204 Revolutionary War era toy soldiers for $1.98 plus shipping and handling. They were strangely semi-flat, took forever to arrive, and eventually you set them on fire or shot them with your BB gun. Well, not everyone did. 500 or so surviving comic book flats, painted and organized, will engage in battle in old school style.

S: 340: 19 - Tales of the Gold Monkey 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6 players GM: Buck Surdu, Sponsor: Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: GASLIGHT
Join Jake Cutter, Corky, Sara Stickney White, and Jack on an exciting adventure to seek treasure while facing the warriors of Princess Koji, Nazi spies, unfriendly gorillas, and other bad guys. Cutter's Goose lands in an isolated bay on a remote island, and the gang moves inland supported by French soldiers allocated by Bon Chance Louie to retrieve the gold monkey.

1 comment:

  1. Friend,

    From the "Gnome Guy" there will be a joust on Friday night, A non-Gnome Space game on Friday afternoon, and a Gnome Wars game on Saturday night.

    Details tomorrow afternoon.

